George and Eleanor Widener

Dear Barbara and Edmund,

According to F. Eugene Dixon Jr., Eleanor Widener's famous pearls (that were worn off the Titanic) are still owned by the family.

To my knowledge, there has never been a biography written about Dr. Rice. The Newport Historical Society maintains a very large file on Dr. Rice, along with numerous photographs.

I hope this information will be of some help.

Michael Findlay
Where did George Dunton Widener, Jr. and Eleanor Dixon die?


Can anyone point me in the right direction for more information (ie. beyond what appears in the bio on this site) about Edwin Keeping who was the Wideners' valet? I would particularly like to find out where he was born - if he was from Southampton, there might be a family connection.
Thanks for any help.

George Keeping
George, For what it's worth, when Edwin Keeping's estate in the United Kingdom was settled (letters of administration being granted in London on 19th October 1912) the estate was valued at £247.1s.1d and went to Caroline Elizabeth Keeping (widow)

Dear George,
Edwin Keeping was born in London in 1878. He was a grandson of John and Susannah Copsey. John came from Romford in Essex, and Susannah from Beachbourn, in Kent.
Hope this helps a little.
O.K.Smartypants Craig! I had a good journey home from your house yesterday, just two hours again.
Great day, plenty of laughs as usual! Will be in touch when I've worked out my order.

My name is Camilla Hazelrig (Fogelberg) and I am the great granddaughter of Edwin Keeping. My grandmother was his daughter Mildred. I have just started researching this part of my family's history and I was thrilled to finally see my great grandfathers name listed instead just of manservant.

I am curious if Mr. George Keeping has found any additional information and also if there is any further information available on Edwin's parents and grandparents.

If you would like to hear the continuing story of Mildred and her descendants and how Edwin and Caroline meet, I would be happy to let you know.