Has anyone see this picture of Titanic

Hi Craig,

yes, you ought to remove your image immediately if possible. It appearance will undermine its reproduction value should the time come when you want to license the image for a book etc.

Remove the image is my advice Craig.
I've seen enough to clear any doubts I had.
Eric is correct in what he said above.
In cases like this, it is always best to take the exchanging of images 'off' the board and do it privately via the ET email option.
Talking about the image is fine.

Thanks for all the advice and comments. I've contacted the moderators and asked them to remove the images (as I can't since they're more than 60 min old). This is pretty exciting for me. I appreciate all your insight and hope to talk with you all more.
A photo postcard made from the same negative but showing only some part of the ship is mentioned in the book

R.M.S. 'Titanic' - A portrait in old picture postcards
by Mark Bown and Roger Simmons
ISBN 1-85770-075-9


The text next to the image reads:


> An unusual photograph reproduced on a
> postcard, showing the third and fourth
> funnels and the centre section of the
> 'Titanic'. The fourth or 'dummy' funnel
> was used for ventilation purposes only and
> it is interesting to note how many pictures
> of the 'Titanic' show the liner with smoke
> issuing from all four funnels.
> On the reverse of the postcard, the message
> reads: " 'Titanic' with Fred's yacht alongside
> just prior to departure from Southampton".
> (Publisher unknown - M. Bown collection)

Does anyone have an idea who this Fred might be?

At the bottom of the large picture one can read a number and the name Stuart, maybe this means it comes from THE Francis Godolphin Osbourne Stuart.
The moderators should be taking down the original photographs, but I can only have it taken down if I put up another one with a watermark of some sort on it. Here is the picture we are talking about.

Hi Craig,

hopefully they will be taken down soon - they are still up as you know. Sometimes it is better to have a link to a spot where you host the photographs and then you can pull them at will. Read the terms of use when you get a chance.


Thank you for posting that. I've never seen that postcard before and plan on purchasing the book soon.


Thanks for the advice. It says that you work in image restoration, that's very interesting What would you recommend for my photo to preserve it?

All the best,
hi all out there just looking at your chit chat about photos of titanic.i have what i beleive a genuine photo of her its about four inches by three and a half inches titanic is in the centre with sail boats around her there is smoke/steam comeing from her third funnel the sail boat looks like the one in the picture posted but my photo shows it on the opposite side there allso looks as if theres a very small steamer some distance at her midships.have also photo of man on key or tender next to big ship with funnel and lifeboat visable.hope your understanding what im saying not to hot on pc.i need to go for copyrights i think ????regards jim
Hi Craig,

I just found you post - I would keep such a photo in acid free/archival storage materials. There are a few option - will get back to you.

Would you be so kind as to upload a larger resolution image? I'm not so fussed about the watermark, I can understand why you would be doing that, however it would be nice in a higher resolution so as I could see the half raised anchor that is mentioned. Thanks in advance
Chris, if you'll note the date time stamp, you'll see that the last post in this thread was made almost two years ago. Somebody might take a renewed interest, but don't hold your breath waiting for it.
A photo postcard made from the same negative but showing only some part of the ship is mentioned in the book

R.M.S. 'Titanic' - A portrait in old picture postcards
by Mark Bown and Roger Simmons
ISBN 1-85770-075-9

View attachment 5250

The text next to the image reads:


> An unusual photograph reproduced on a
> postcard, showing the third and fourth
> funnels and the centre section of the
> 'Titanic'. The fourth or 'dummy' funnel
> was used for ventilation purposes only and
> it is interesting to note how many pictures
> of the 'Titanic' show the liner with smoke
> issuing from all four funnels.
> On the reverse of the postcard, the message
> reads: " 'Titanic' with Fred's yacht alongside
> just prior to departure from Southampton".
> (Publisher unknown - M. Bown collection)

Does anyone have an idea who this Fred might be?

At the bottom of the large picture one can read a number and the name Stuart, maybe this means it comes from THE Francis Godolphin Osbourne Stuart.
This photo, for anyone in the future here
Still after the Southampton incident.jpg

love this photo