Help with a supposed passenger or crew member.

Does anyone have information on a “Henry Hilton Thompson”, he is my Great grandmother’s brother and is said to have died on the Titanic. He was born in New Zealand in 1883, to Irish/New Zealand parents, and by all accounts seems to have been a bit of a ratbag having skiffles with the law as a young teenager. His father was a seaman and died in 1896. I’m wondering if Henry followed his father and became a seaman too. A couple of brothers used aliases including ‘John’ and ‘Lancaster’ or ‘O’Sullivan’, so it’s possible Henry did too. He was never heard from after 1912 so ??? it’s a mystery.
There was no one by the name of Henry Hilton Thompson on board the Titanic. The name does not even feature in the "unlisted passengers and crew" list: Unlisted Passengers and Crew

The closest name-wise is Assistant Storekeeper Herbert Henry Thompson Herbert Henry Thompson : Titanic Victim . However, as you can see there is no New Zealand connection and as far as is known, he had a squeaky clean record. He was 25 years old when he sailed on board the Titanic; he died in the sinking.

Then there was Fireman John Thompson from Liverpool, again with no known Kiwi connection. John William Thompson : Titanic Survivor . He too had a clean record and survived on Collapsible A.

Finally there was a hustler, professional gambler and (some say) killer nicknamed "Titanic Thompson" but had no connection with the ship. He lived all his life in America. Titanic Thompson - Wikipedia
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