HMS Victory

From The Mail OnLine:

Navy's handover of Lord Nelson's legendary flagship HMS Victory branded 'a tragedy'

The government today sparked uproar by revealing Lord Nelson's legendary flagship HMS Victory could be given away to a private owner as a cost cutting measure.

The Ministry of Defence revealed the historic 18th century warship may be too expensive to maintain and her funding is currently under review.

This could see her passed to a private firm or given to a charity to save cash, which critics say would be 'a tragedy'.

The MoD argues that increasing budgetary pressures mean it must review Victory's future like any other ship.
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Comment: Somebody please tell me this is a joke! If ever there was a warship that rates preservation on the public purse, this is the one.
From All News, Royal Navy Live:

Victory Not For Sale

HMS Victory will remain part of the Royal Navy. We will not be giving her away or decommissioning the ship. It is currently run by the Navy and retired Navy personnel show the public around the ship.

The consultation is designed to produce a relationship between the RN and any of the options below which secures the necessary funding and the long term good health of the vessel, without the Royal Navy and the public losing control of the ship.
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From All News, Royal Navy Live:

HMS Victory Hosts Commemorative Ceremony for Trafalgar Day

The Royal Navy’s most important anniversary marked for the 203rd year by a ceremony onboard HMS Victory today (Tuesday 21 October) at 8am. This also coincided with the 250th Anniversary of Lord Nelson’s Birthday, which the Royal Navy celebrated last month.
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From All News, Royal Navy Live:

Indefatigable Veterans Visit HMS Victory In Fleet Air Arm’s Centenary Year

In the centenary year of the Fleet Air Arm, veterans from HMS Indefatigable’s Association met recently on Nelson’s flagship, HMS Victory, in Portsmouth Naval Base. The veterans were hosted by Commodore Martin Westwood, a senior serving naval aviator from Naval Command Headquarters and the Commanding Officer of HMS VICTORY, Lt Cdr ‘Oscar’ Whild prior to a Memorial Service at Portsmouth Cathedral.
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From All News, Royal Navy Live:

Minister Confirms Future of HMS Victory

As part of the launch of the National Museum of the Royal Navy, today Baroness Taylor announced the outcome of work to examine options for the future support of HMS Victory.

The Baroness stated:

“I am happy to reassure you all that HMS Victory will remain a commissioned warship and the Flagship of the Second Sea Lord. I am pleased to announce today that it is our intention to transfer responsibility for the visitor function to the NMRN, thus reinforcing her unique position in naval heritage.”
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From The Navy News:

Victory broadside announces new museum

THE most famous vessel ever to bear the prefix HMS will remain a commissioned warship and flagship of the Second Sea Lord, fully funded and supported by the Royal Navy.

Rumours that Nelson’s flagship was to be decommissioned — or even sold off — were rife in 2008, following a review into her upkeep and funding.
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Comment: A bit more in depth then the earlier article and worth it for the photo!
From About My Area:

Nelson’s Ship in a Bottle to be Unveiled for Trafalgar's Fourth Plinth

Portsmouth Historic Dockyard is expecting an increased interest in HMS Victory this summer, following the unveiling of Yinka Shonibare's Nelson's Ship in a Bottle, commissioned by the Mayor of London for the Fourth Plinth in Trafalgar Square. The work will highlight the square's history from Monday 24th May 2010, for a two-year residency.
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From The Daily Mail:

Still see no ships, Lord Nelson? Giant boat in a bottle unveiled on Trafalgar Square's fourth plinth in tribute to Naval hero

More than 200 years after the Battle of Trafalgar, Admiral Lord Nelson was reunited with his flagship yesterday.
A 1:30 scale replica of HMS Victory, in a huge acrylic bottle, joined Nelson’s Column in Trafalgar Square when it was installed on the empty fourth plinth.
The only deviation from the original is the 37 sails, which are decorated with patterns symbolic of African identity and independence.
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From The Navy News:

Snow brings dough for historic dockyard

NOW last year’s snow may have brought the country to a halt, caused countless broken arms, wrists and legs, and cost the economy £700m...

...but this picture-postcard image of HMS Victory blanketed by the white stuff looks lovely and helped bring in thousands of pounds for Portsmouth’s Historic Dockyard.
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From The News (Portsmouth uk):

HMS Victory's future to be secured

UP TO £20m is to be spent on HMS Victory in a decade of major restoration to reverse years of rot and decay, The News can reveal today.
It comes after a survey of the 245-year-old ship found she was riddled with rot, leaking and being pulled apart by her own weight.

The Ministry of Defence says the project will be one of the largest restorations ever of Lord Nelson's flagship.
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From The News (Portsmouth uk):

Battle to keep Victory in ship-shape condition

When the Royal Navy appoints new commanding officers, it sends them to the stately surroundings of Lord Nelson’s Great Cabin on board HMS Victory.

Here, among artefacts that include Nelson’s original table, they begin the next stage of their careers. The officers gather in the impressive dining area and work space for a course that is designed to inspire them.
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From The Daily Mail:

Let's make her shipshape: Workmen swing into action as ten-year restoration of Nelson's flagship HMS Victory begins

The finishing touches to HMS Victory were made 246 years ago in Chatham Dock before she set to sea and went on to cover herself in glory at the Battle of Trafalgar.

She served for a total of 47 years - a period of time seldom matched by any modern warship - before being taken out of service in 1812.

Since then she has remained on display at Portsmouth harbour and now a ten-year battle to restore Lord Nelson's flagship to her full glory has begun
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