Holidays to the wreck

Paul Lee

Hi all,
Whatever happened to the firm that was offering diving "holidays" to the wreck of the Titanic? I can't find them anywhere now!

Best wishes

Probably went belly-up or moved on to other things for lack of interest or lack of resources. There aren't a lot of submersibles around capable of making the dive, and when people realize that a dive would mean spending several hours cooped up in a barely 2 metre wide metal sphere with a jug for a bathroom, I can see where interest would quickly wane.
Tourist dives to the wreck were held in 2003 and are scheduled to continue in 2004. Weather conditions in the North Atlantic cause the tourist dives to be restricted mainly to the summer months.

>>Nah, they're still trying to get Santa out of the fourth funnel. <<

Perhaps they should try some Vasaline and a shoehorn.

In any event, the concern appears to be alive and well. They're advertising their next expedition for July 2004. I wonder if the weather will co-operate? The North Atlantic often has it's own ideas.