Question How did people from this part of the ship escape if watertight doors closed?

On the starboard side of E deck, next to the engines, there are 8 rooms (from E 69 to E 76) that belong to second class that are between two WTD (in red in the picture). If this two WTD were closed, how would people who were in this part of the ship move away? I can't see any stairs going up or down, connecting them to another section of the ship. The only possible way I see is through what I think is a door? (in blue in the picture) but it seems to go into the engine?

Does anyone know if there's another way out that I'm missing? And if the way out is through the door to the engines then was there a footbridge there or what exactly would they find behind the door?

Thanks everyone!

Captura de Pantalla 2021-05-14 a les 22.46.14.png