I found these deck photos of the Olympic online

Some more
You have to copy and paste the link as for some reason its not doing it like before - if that makes any sense. They are well worth a look. There is an interesting photograph of Canadian troops on her poop deck!
No big deal Bill. I almost missed it myself. Still, some very nice photos. A couple of them are extremely rare, like the one with the compass tower in it. I don't recall ever seeing it before.
How wonderful! Thanks so much for sharing these, Jon. High quality photographs showing passengers aboard the Olympic BEFORE the Great War seem to be exceptionally rare - these are, in fact, the very first I've seen.

Judging from the array of fashionable clothing, I'd date these snaps to the summer of 1913 - perhaps 1914, at the very latest. No matter when they were taken, they are fantastically helpful in allowing us to imagine how the decks of the Titanic looked during her maiden voyage.
Hiya Martin & Bill

They are photographs currently up for sale on ebay and were taken in 1913! Also in the album are some pictures taken on the Baltic. It will be interesting to see how much they sell for.
"No matter when they were taken, they are fantastically helpful in allowing us to imagine how the decks of the Titanic looked during her maiden voyage."

I personally am more interested that they show Olympic in her early years. Not that they help out with Titanic. Olympic was a ship in her own right.
What you say is perfectly true. But, as the Olympic and Titanic were, to all intents and purposes, identical twin sisters, these photographs are more helpful in allowing us to imagine what life was like aboard in April, 1912, than - say - similar photographs taken aboard the Mauretania in 1923. That was the point I was trying to make...