James Farrell

Looking for geneology for James Farrell

Hello my name is Linda Gibson I am also seeking information on James Farrell - My greatgreatgrandfather's name is James J. Farrell he married Ann Byrne(s) born approx. 1831 in Ireland, they had 2 children James Farrell and Jennie Farrell Jennie (aka Genevieve or Mary Jane) married Bernard Scully son of Peter Scully I believe from Kildare, County Cork we think. Geneology on geni.com Maybe we could do DNA of something to find relatives. I know James Farrell who drowned on the Titanic was about 40 dark hair and light mustache, dark suit, black boots, grey socks. he had a silver watch; two purses (one empty), the other $10.00, 3s. 2 1/2d., and 10 kronor; two studs, cameo; beads, left on body.
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Can Anyone please please help me, I am trying to find as much information as possible regarding James Farrell. He was a 3rd class Passenger but sadly he died. He was the gent who helped saved quite a few ladies mainly Katherine Gilnagh by telling the stewards to let the ladies through, which eventually the stewards did. My Great uncle must of known he was going to lose his life as he gave Katherine Gilnagh as he gave Katherine his Cap, she married John Joseph Manning in 1893 and had 3 children three children: John (b. 1919), Catherine (b. 1921) and Eugene (b. 1927). The family lived in Queens, New York but Kate was widowed on 19 April 1955. The family lived in Queens New York were she sadly passed on 1st March 1971 aged 76. and was buried with her husband in Woodside Cemetery, Queens, New York.
Hello all. New to E. Titanica-great sight. Farrell family (USA) seeks photograph or any NEW information about James from County Longford, Ireland. My ideas are Hailafax Record Office, Queenstown Immigration Office-did passports have photo i.d.'s in 1912? or perhaps his last employer (he was a milk truck driver in Longford). Any ideas or specific addresses for the above ideas would be greatly appreciated!
Hi Thomas, I am not sure if your still on this sight but we are actually related through my Granddad and great granddad, Our family do come from County Longford and my Great Grandma and Grandad Emigrated to England during the potatoe famine. Sadly i don't have a photo of James but if you have managed to find one could you please please contact me. Many Thanks Linda
Hallo Elitei - apologies for the delay in sending that to you...haven't had much time to devote to online activies of late. Just emailed it to you - let me know if it comes through or not.

All the best -

Hello Inger, I am trying to find as much information regarding James Farrell, he was my Great Great Uncle as my husband is doing my Family Tree from my dads side whose name was Francis Patrick Farrell, all of my family come from
County Longford, James and Thomas are in my family tree and also his parents are, all the dates are correct which we have. My Great Great Grandparents Emigrated over here ( United Kingdom ) during the potato famine roughly around the 1800's. Any information would be greatfully appreatiated. Many Thanks Linda