Ken Marschall's Art of Titanic


The artist told me I could photograph the paintings, but the owner of Maidhof Bros. would not allow me. They've had the paintings for a while now, and I haven't seen them online yet. I can't afford the $3K, either, so if I ever do manage to take a picture, I'll share it with you.


P.S. When I mentioned in my last post that DeRossett is second to Ken Marschall, I was talking about oil paintings. No slight to David Clarke, who does wonderful things with pixels.
Anyone read the book "Ken Marschall's Art of Titanic"? It has all his paintings of the Titanic in it and a few other lost liners.

I like all the pictures
Art Ken Marschall

This book by Ken Marschall I would love to not have read this book yet I also really love that he shows his art historian in this book, shows us his paintings he shows the world Titanic this book should be wonderful still want to read.

[Moderator's note: This message, originally a separate thread, has been moved to this thread about the same book. MAB]