Lights on Board

>>Wouldn't it be a safe assumption that lights on board the Titanic would have been around the strength of a modern 25W bulb?<<

In most spaces, this would probably be true. The people of this age didn't really like very bright white lighting, reckoning any such to be harmful and they may not have been entirely wrong on some levels.

If you can get to Asheville North Carolina, a tour through the Biltmore mansion is quite the eye opener since most of the rooms use lights which are dim by our standards, but which was the accepted norm in the early part of the 20th Century. I expect lighting levels on the Titanic would have been broadly similar.
The lights are yellow ,though.It is same kind of lightbulb we use at home.

Hey. I’m not entirely sure if this is the right thread for this. But what kind of lights or light fixtures did the 1st class, 2nd class and 3rd class have? The light fixtures for the crew and the ones on the side of the ship