Lillian Asplund Information

Please Help me Does Anyone Have Any Information about Lillian Asplund I have seen some sites about her and she lives in the same state as me i was wondering if she ever talks abou the Titanic or if she keeps it quite because its too painful so if anyone knows anything about her or how i could contact her could you please e-mail

Thanks Alot
I was just wondering if any of you knew what Lillian did with her life after the sinking? Her biography here doesn't mention much. Also, was Lillian ever involved in any Titanic related convention or memorial? I know she will not talk about it now, but wasn't sure if she was always like that?
Theres more qualified people in here that can tell you more than myself, but from what I have read over the last several years, Lillian Asplund has never attended a Titanic related function or for that matter even discussed the sinking except maybe to close friends or relatives. Its obvious to see why with her having lost so many family members in the sinking. I don't know what kind of work she did for a living.
Hi Eric,

Lillian has lived a very quiet life since the sinking, and has never attended any Titanic related function to my knowledge. She was invited to numerous Titanic society conventions in the late 1980s and early 1990s but she politely refused. Like Darren said, she lost several family members in the sinking, and still retains painful memories of that terrible night.

Many claim that Mrs. VanTongerloo was the last survivor who remembered the Titanic, but Lillian (aged 5 at the time) certainly does also ~ particularly the scene at the lifeboat where she and her mother and younger brother were dropped into it. In a 1989 telephone conversation that I had with her, she said that she could still remember seeing her father's face as the boat was lowered away. He was still holding her twin brother Carl and she recalled seeing her two older brothers peering over the rail. She was always haunted as to why there wasn't time for them to get into the boat. Her father's body was later recovered and returned to the family for burial but her three brothers were never found.

As to her professional life, I did ask her once and she replied that she did some type of secretarial work in Worcester, Massachusetts, but retired early to care for her elderly mother who lived until the age of 90. Interestingly, Mrs. Asplund died on April 15, 1964 - 52 years after losing her husband and three young sons in the wreck.

Two friends and I went to see Lillian in late 1992. We presented her with a picture of her parents that she had never seen before and was very pleased to receive it. Our time with her was brief and she appreciated the thought but did not wish to speak about the Titanic. In a strange way, I think Lillian might have wanted to say a few more words because I'll never forget as we left, she stood at her door, smiled and called out, "Have a safe trip back home." I thought she might have welcomed the company without our Titanic link. We left with the impression that she lived somewhat of a sad and lonely life. She still drove her car and had friends and non-immediate family nearby but it seemed that she was alone more often than not.

My friends and I remarked how well Lillian looked in 1992. In fact, when she first opened her front door, I thought we were at the wrong address for she appeared nothing like we expected. Lillian was tall, looked very healthy and certainly did not appear to be 85-years-old at that time. She still looked very much like she did in her childhood photos.

I understand Lillian's health has been failing as of late (she'll be 96 in October) so let us hope she recovers.

If I can answer any more questions about Lillian or her family, I'll be happy to try.

Best regards,

Mike Findlay
Thanks so much for the info Darren and Michael! It's certainly understandable why she has remained silent all these years. I wasn't aware that she lost her three brothers also. My best wishes for her speedy recovery. Thanks Again.
Hi Michael,

I enjoyed reading the info on Lillian Asplund and it's very sad that she lived a lonely life. I hope she gets well soon.

Best regards,

I recall hearing that Ms. Asplund is now in a New England-area nursing home, so her health may be deteriorating, even as I post this.

I've never met her, so I cannot speculate.

John Clifford
Does anyone when (what year) the photo of Lillian and Felix Asplund was taken? This photo appears in Titanic: Women and Children First.

Andrew Maheux
Hi Andrew,

There are two photos of the Asplund children in Judy Geller's book. The photo of Lillian with her mother and brother was taken in May of 1912 - just weeks following their rescue from the Titanic. The picture of Lillian and her brother Felix was taken in 1914 - almost two years later.

Hope this helps.

Mike Findlay
Michael, when you wrote Lillian Asplund has lived a very quiet life after the sinking ,and she shuns any form of publicity, has poor Lillian always been like that ? Shunning publicity? I feel very, very sorry for her heart, because of loosing a father and three brothers in the TITANIC disaster. I too, hope Lillian recovers from her illness, to me, she has lived a very noble life, and I understand why Lillian has not attended any TITANIC interviews. Best wishes, Lorie
I'd like to write a letter to Lillian Asplund. Does anyone know if this is a good idea? Would she be mad or offended in any way? Would her medical condition allow it? What is her address?
Does anyone have info ^^^ about the other survivors??? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Kaitlyn R.