Lillian Asplund Information

From the link I provided above last year on how to contact a survivor

You don't. All of the survivors are very old now and as all were children at the time of the sinking their memories of the disaster are very limited and have been well documented already, therefore individuals should not attempt to contact them under any circumstances. Milvena Dean is the only survivor actively involved with any Titanic society being a regular guest of the British Titanic Society at its annual Southampton convention. She sometimes conducts a question and answer session at the convention.
Not that I can stop anyone from trying, but keep in mind the realities spelled out and the sensibilities of these people as well as their right to be left in peace.​
>>Michael, I don't think a kind little card will hurt.<<

They, or their families may be of the contrary opinion, and the available evidence would tend to indicate that they are. I know that some people mean well, but good intentions don't mean a lot to those who would like to spend their remaining years in peace. That's the reason for the boilerplate I cited from the FAQ's page.
I still don't know. I want to write to her more then anything, and I really don't plan on mentioning the Titanic, AT ALL. But..... I really don't want to upset her!
Oh what the heck, I give in. Cara, do as you please. I haven't mentioned the Titanic, all, as if Lillian wouldn't have been on the Titanic, and had no connection with it at all, but if letters are this opposed by some members, well, I don't know...

Mmmmmmmm...Laura, it's not really a question of opposition as it is simple respect for the privacy of the people in question. I wouldn't mind meeting with or chatting up any of these remaining people myself, but the catch is that of these three, only one of them wants anything to do with Titanic or any of the celebrity that comes with the deal. Even then, it's only by way of some organized events. The other two just want to be left alone and their families and friends are willing to do whatever it takes to make certain those wishes are honoured.

This point seems to be lost on a lot of all fairness...very well meaning people. I don't know of any better way I can explain this.

Speaking only for myself, I'm no gaurdian of the gates. I don't have any power to do anything other then to try and persuade others to see a point of view and I'm well aware of the fact that others have the power to not be persuaded. Ain't nuthin' I can do about it either beyond passing along some information which I've already done.
Yeah, guess you're right. I'll leave Lillian and her family alone, it's not important anyways. Guess if I really like her as one of the best Titanic survivors, I'll be respectable enough not to disturb her.
I'm close to her, just two small states apart, so if I'd drive, I would be there in an hour or so. Well, the latest I've heard about her, is that she is well,at home. But, if you're REALLY concerned, my best friend lives VERY close to Lillian, and I'm going to visit her in the Spring Break, so maybe I'll drop by. But I'm too shy! It'll be like stalking her. I really, really want to meet her, that'd be a big connection to history. Maybe, I'll go there WITH my friend, I don't know. I'll collect myself, before time runs out, o-o!

Wait, people say she was slowly recovering-recovering from what ? When was my Lillian ill ?
Miss Lillian is doing well and has passed the winter without any major health difficulties. Cousins came to visit at Christmas. As might be expected, she is unable to climb stairs and so is now, and has been for some time, comfortably installed on the ground floor with her bedroom in the sunny picture window of her cottage with a cheery companion who looks after her needs. Her silvery hair is worn drawn back in a bun,her complexion radiant and rosy, and her eyes twinkle merrily when she describes her garden, She is very, very fond of flowers and once had over 20 rosebushes in her yard. Sadly, she is now unable to tend the garden or get out very much, but still likes to recall the memories of it. She does not wish to discuss Titanic, as can be imagined-. One of her favorite snacks - is pepperoni pizza. She is a lovely lady, possessed of a real old-world charm and an endearing and musical speaking voice. She is very special, although far too modest to ever consider herself so- even without the Titanic connection.
That's really nice to hear that she's so happy. It's funny how i also portrayed her as "just a Titanic survivor", yet after living close now to a century theres so much more to her life. She was a pioneer of your nation, coming over in the great boom years, she lived through every era, the Roaring 20's right up to now in the Techno Age and is still smiling. To think back on every time in history in the last 100years, and that Miss Asplund lived during it is truely amazing. She is, in her own right one of your national treasures. Imagine the stories she must have of a life spanning 99years!
Best Regards,
Thanks for the update, Shelley.

It's great to hear about Lillian and am certainly glad that she is stable and enjoys reflecting on her many years of tending to her garden! May she continue to live a healthy and happy life.

Lillian is stome will living in her home with a live-in aid. I saw her in the window last week when I used my snow blower to clear a path. She turned 98 last October.
That the great news the knowledge that Lillian is well. From my distant country (Argentina) and I`m family of James Vivian Drew (second class) I have always felt like near the fatal history of Lilliam family, to whom I Like to know me or to contact themselves but that that is impossible. A question does not exist a photo of Liallian of the present time? THANKS! and sorry by my ingles!
Oh yeah, I'm relieved Lily's alright. I don't know if there is a recent photo of Lillian, but I do know she was a pretty little girl based on her picture taken with her brother Felix(he was so adorable, with a serious little face) back in 1914. I am hoping Lillian will live up to at least 100, so that she'll be not only the latest, but oldest Titanic survivor-ever. She really is wonderful, and lived, (still does) a very noble life never leaving her mother Selma, and staying with Felix.