Lusitania Survivors still alive

Hya Shell, me again- have spoken to Barbara about her aunt Margaret- she does remember vissiting her before coming to America in 1919 and she was married with children- which makes me think that if her grandparents passed away, the estate would have been inherited by aunt Margaret- as the last Pybus child- which could possibly mean that the grandchildren of Margaret have the spoon? i feel another visit to the family records centre coming on!!

Good work indeed Cliff. I recall seeing a photo of Emily in a dressmaker's shop with two other ladies, maybe one could be Margaret. Sure would be a coup finding that spoon after all these years!
Hi Shelley, chances are that one of the ladies is Barbara's aunt Margaret, it seems that all the pybus women were excellent seamstresses and dressmakers- am dreaming about Barbara's afghan- time for a sleep, would be a find in deed if it were still in the family