After the video update on Tom's channel, just now the development section at
HFX Studios site has been updated.
"Updated May 28, 2023
EXTERIOR: Most of the exterior is completed; we are working on adding missing parts, such as plumbing. We are working on some unfinished textures on large areas of the exterior of the ship, with our team working diligently to finalize a variety of other assets, textures and models around the decks of the Lusitania.
INTERIOR: A-Deck has been remastered, with every bit of furniture and ornamentation having been replaced since the initial announcement screenshots of this project. Levi’s been sleeping better, thanks for asking, now that most of the heavy lifting is finished and certain elements have been streamlined. Emma, the primary texture artist, has finished the last of the textures she needs to make for the whole project.
SINKING: It’s just about done and features the first time the sinking of the
Lusitania has been fully analyzed with the same level of scrutiny
Titanic has been. With our access to archives, with first hand materials that we’ve been painstakingly processing, and with the help from our generous historians, we are planning to produce the most accurate depiction of the Lusitania's sinking to date by far, all of which will be experienced in first person by the user.
ETC: Ambient details are being done and marketing strategies are being finalized, as well as a few additional partnerships for launch. We are even beginning to lay the ground work for our next project after
Lusitania, which is
Empress of Ireland. Our team is planning a group research trip relating to it.
Please note that we work on the ship a lot more often than we update this page, so an update from a few weeks ago doesn’t mean we’ve stopped working."