Luxury cruise from Hell

Awwwwwwwww....bloody hell! Norwalk strikes again! Fortunately, this bug is more a nuisence then anything else. I shudder to think about what would happen in the closed environment of a ship if something really nasty got loose.

All things considered, I'm amazed it hasn't happened already!
I'm thanking Cunard for not featuring buffets on their liners. I've read on the BBC News website that the bug was brought on by a passenger. Comments from site visitors state that, despite passengers being offered clean handwipes in the queue for the buffet, many waved them aside with their bacteria-festooned hands! Puh!
I have read on the website of The Daily Echo which is a newspaper in Southampton that the last port of call for the Aurora before she returned to Southampton,was in Gibraltar and that the Spanish government closed its border with Gibraltar to prevent the British passengers from the Aurora from crossing over into Spain.This decision of closing down the border did create protests from the British and Gibraltarian governments.I think that the Spanish government went to far in closing down the border and that there was no good reason for Spain to close down its border with Gibraltar. Sincerely,Jerry Nuovo
Things have just taken a turn for the worse. News just in from Sky:

"Two people travelling on the Aurora, the P & O cruise liner hit by an infectious bug, have died."

This is extremely rare, surely?
Very rare...yes. If you have a link to the news article, I hope you post it, but I suspect you'll find that the people who died were likely very old, or were more vulnerable to the disease for some other reason.