The marriage proved such a public embarrassment, and the publicity so negative, that when Mr. Fiermonte travelled to Italy to settle issues with fiery ex wife Tosca in 1935, the Italian Government interceded and withdrew Enzo's passport, trapping him there, safely away from the slings and barbs of an unkind world.....and so Barbara Hutton soon seized the title of "World's least popular heiress" away from Madeline.
Rome, Feb. 12. Italy today decided to keep her Enzo Fiermonte forever, takling up his passport and forbidding him to leave Italian soil.
The United States has seen enough of Enzo, the government decision intimated. Enzo has seen the last of the United States, and his rich American wife has seen the last of Enzo if she doesn't want to settle down with him in Italy.
Enzo has seen a clever lawyer, but it looks as though the government decision will stand. In effect, Italy has ruled that if Enzo wants his "sweet doing of nothing" he'll have to get it in his homeland.
The ruling is that Enzo is not the kind of representative Italian that il Duce wants abroad.
"Fiermonte is an Italian. When he went to America he acted ina way Italy cannot approve. Italy does not recognize his divorce. Fiermonte has an Italian wife.
Because he is not considered desirable to represent Italians abroad and to make sure he mets his obligations, his passport will not be returned."
Enzo was all the more put out at the turn of events tonight by the fact that his return to Italy was a purely gratuitous visit to the old folks at home.
He came straight from the Hauptmann trial at Flemington where he cut quite a swathy by throwing a big spaghetti dinner for newspapermen. Filled with the pleasant warmth of miles of spaghetti, he boarded the S.S. Roma and sailed for home.
Several days out from New York, Enzo discovered that Mrs. Fiermonte #2 was also aboard. Intuitively he wired a friend:
"Wife is aboard. God help me."
But, on the second thought he effected a reconcilation with the New York society woman and they decided to visit home, settle things with Mrs. Fiermonte #1, take a run over to the Riviera and then return to the United States together.
There were rumors that a snare awaited the returning gladiator at Naples. Enzo grew cautious. He switched to a Dutch ship at Algeria and Mrs. Fiermonte continued on under the Italian flag alone.
As long as he remained aboard a Dutch ship, Enzo argued, he was under the protection of the Dutch flag. But the reception at Genoa was so friendly that Enzo was lured ashore.
There was some solace for the caged lion Enzo was tonight. Should Mussolini need troops for the Abyssinian border, Enzo is not likely to be one of them.