Mail Room

Sorry if this question seems stupid, maybe it's just that I'm blind and unable to find it! "It" being lavatories or showers for the mail clerks! Their two cabins are on F Deck, but I can't see any bathroom nearby... Any clues?
Since no one seems to have answered this question in all of these years:

According to Bruce Beveridge's excellent blueprints, there is a sliding door between the two staircases on F Deck. It looks like a wall in the blueprints posted above. When that sliding door was open, you could walk straight down the stairway from E deck, take 4 or 5 steps forward, then walk down the second stairway to the mail room on G deck.

The sliding door would allow the mail staff to shut off access and isolate both their quarters and the mail room from the rest of the ship. When shut, the door would still allow first class passengers to access the squash court, but not the mail rooms.

This, and the swimming bath, really are one of the most fascinating parts of the ship. It's too bad there isn't more documentation.
First of all, the mail room is on G Deck right?

Moderator's hat on:

TitanicNerd, you have been told not to ask questions that have already been answered by another Moderator.

Again, stop or further moderating action may be taken against you.

See Tim Turner's post #17 immediately above yours for the answer.