Margaret Marcella Daly

I've always wanted to learn more about the Titanic.Do you have any pictures of Margret Marcella Daly I am doing a report no her?
I recently purchased the "Women of the Titanic" jewelry pins" and one of them is of Marcella Dale. I could not find her on the passenger list, but on the informaton that I received about her is of follows: Marcella Dale, age 30, left Ireland for NY in hope of finding a job teaching immigrant children. After being hurtled into one of Titanic's last lifeboats, a small baby was thrown to her as the boat was being lowered. The infant had no identification and once in NY, Marcella searched in vain for a family member. She eventually adopted the child herself and though she never married, ended here life as a "grandmother" to nine.
What other information could someone give me about Marcella, when did she died and where is she buried.

Sounds like Margaret Marcella Daly, who travelled third class from Ireland using her middle name and was aged 30. She planned to join her brother, who was a New York policeman. In letters written to her family after her rescue she makes no mention of any incident involving a baby, but newspaper accounts of the time were often very inventive about rescued children.

Hope that's of some help.

Bob, Andrew and Laurie--Maggie Daly's brother, John (the policeman) married Marcella Cowan. Maggie had returned home to Ireland to visit her relatives and traveled under Marcella's name. Her own middle name was not Marcella. She was a large, ungainly woman and did not have children, nor did she raise any though she lived in the house with her brother for a time and may have helped to raise John's son, Joseph Daly. Joseph Daly did not have children either, so the line ends there. Another spinster sister lived in New York as well.
The little "biographies" of the "Women of Titanic" pins are composites of actual survivors. None of the names are completely accurate, as you will notice upon examining them closely. Apparently the creators thought fiction might protect them from copyright infringement problems. Basically, they're in it for the money, not the historical accuracy.

There can surely be no copyright in the names and biographical details of real people? More likely it added extra drama as a selling point, or saved them the small effort of getting it right.


PS: That's a great pic on your user profile, Kyrila. I'm hoping you dress like that all the time, so don't disappoint me by telling me otherwise!
It's a date - 4pm in the Palm Court. Wear your 'Women of Titanic' pin so I will know you. You can't miss me - I'll be the one who looks more at home on Skid Row than Saville Row.

I'll do better than that! I'll wear my Charlotte Cardeza sapphire ring and my Amy Stanley bracelet, along with my memorial pin. I'm the one in the two piece peach and white lace outfit and the white hat.
