Parks wrote: ...Thanks for the kudos. Ken has outdone himself once again and judging by what George says, Don has, too...

You're very welcome! And you're right about the calibre of talent there. I know Don always outdoes himself. Of course, he's more than a brilliant historian, he's a brilliant human being - mainly because he never forgets he is a human being. You know, I was thinking, if anybody in "ship circles" ever had a right to a "big head" it would be people like Don and Ken. Yet they've remained extremely modest and gracious. They make an amazing team. And like all of you, I eagerly await their latest finished product!

Hi, Randy!

>if anybody in "ship circles"
> ever had a right to a "big head" it >would be people like Don and Ken. Yet they've >remained extremely modest and gracious.

I agree with you that those are Don's and Ken's most endearing attributes as researchers -- neither of them feels a need to parade their accomplishments in front of other folks.

Don and Ken are good people (but then you already knew that.) :)

All my best,

P.S. It has to be said, though -- Don is the worst ham actor I've ever seen. (Do you recall the scene in 'Titanic' where Don was chewing the scenery while trying to upstage his 'son' Douglas Spedden on the boat deck? I mean, who ever expected Don to pull out a yoyo while Douglas was spinning his top?) :)
George wrote: "...It has to be said, though -- Don is the worst ham actor I've ever seen. (Do you recall the scene in 'Titanic' where Don was chewing the scenery and trying to upstage his 'son' Douglas Spedden on the boat deck?) :)..."

Ah, yes... the great Don "Barrymore" Lynch! I have seen that scene but I thought Don was portraying the boat deck itself, he was so wooden!
Of course George, after these cracks, you realize we may never hear again from our fine actor friend!
Hi, Randy!

>I missed the yo-yo bit. My, my! Don and his tricks.

Don's triple "Around-the-World" with the yoyo tended to draw the viewer's attention away from Douglas Spedden and his top. :)

All my best,

Well, if anyone wants to see a funny actor at work, don't pass up a chance to see the home made vidio that Roy Mengot made detailing how he made his wreck model. Roy brought it to the tech gathering in Topeka...along with the wreck model...and it was a howl!

Too bad we all have to wait until April for Ghosts, but I think it'll be worth it.
Don. Don't you listen to these Statler and Waldorf stand ins.
I am reminded of a story I heard regarding Jack Palance when he was the host of "Ripleys Believe it or not." He would get so interested in his surroundings, that when they would be ready to shoot a scene he would be gone, and they would have to track him down. Had the part of Mr. Speeden been played by ME, the scene would have never been shot. (Sayeth she who knoweth not sir James Cameron)
Hi George!

You're right with the contributions of a number of ET members and Ken and Don, it's sure to be a terrific book!

Hi Parks!

"After a week of working through the wee hours of the morning, Ken and I finished our images and sent them off to Toronto."

Ah, good old Madison Press Books!
As Fiona said, they've published some great books, so I'm sure they will do no lesser of a job on this one. Thanks for the updates on the book, have enjoyed them. Kudos to you!

Best regards,
