Martha Evelyn Stone

I was curious to know information concerning Mrs. George Stone (née Martha Evelyn Stevens), who sailed in first class on the Titanic. Her husband was President of the Bell Telephone Company in Cincinatti, Ohio. Being the President of the Bell Telephone Company, does anyone know if he was related to Alexander Graham Bell? I know that my own relations have the name Stone, and that they owned the land upon which Fort Knox now sits (which now belongs to the American Government). Any information on Martha's husband's family is deeply appreciated.

Thank you for your attention.
hello evrybody,

does anyone know the names of Martha Stone (nee. Stevens)
parents and siblings ?

need help !

best regards
hello everybody,

was Martha E. Stone the daughter of Edward and Sarah Stevens
and sister of henry stevens???, i am not sure

hope that anyone can help

best regards
Her parents' names were Steven and Mary Ann Stone. Her full name was Martha Evelyn Stevens Stone. I also have a first husband listed - John Harrington.
thank you very much david and bob,

so her fathers name was Steven Stone
and her mothers name Martha Ann Stone.
I have know searched her on ancestry and found a
Martha E. Stone daughter of Mary Stone and sister of Louisa,Eliza and Ida Stone but her father was not registred in these census, i found him in the 1880 census.

is that right?
best regards