Martin Mcmahon

Martin McMahon was my Great great great uncle, we found this out when my uncle who emigrated to America 35 years ago researched our family tree and went over to Ireland funny enough my uncles name is Martin Mcmahon My dads name is. Kevin Patrick and cousin is called Anthony so we still all have family first names.....
Martin is my grandmother bridget brother . Bridget married known has bridget Farrell tumaganey co clare she passed away.. have loads of family history .
My sisters Irene O’ Brien and Colleen Anderson have a lot of family history on young Martin McMahon but here goes on what I know from them , have attached info, Bridget McMahon, Martins sister was my mum’s mother and she first married John Coyne and together had eleven children, Private John Coyne a resident of Tuamgraney birth place of our mother Christine O’ Farrell died on RMS Leinster during World War 1, Ireland’s worst maritime disaster.
Bridget married again to our Grandfather William O’ Farrell and had four more children one being our mum Christine.
You will see from attached files that Martins parents were Anthony and Honor. image.jpg


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Martin McMahon was my Great great great uncle, we found this out when my uncle who emigrated to America 35 years ago researched our family tree and went over to Ireland funny enough my uncles name is Martin Mcmahon My dads name is. Kevin Patrick and cousin is called Anthony so we still all have family first names.....
Brian, where are you in the USA?
Hi im new to the site,im looking to find out about Martin Mcmahon from Ireland who died on the Titanic,my father was Thomas Mcmahon,id love to know if we were distant relatives of his but not sure where to start.