Mary Delia Burns

Hi My name is Tracey (maiden name Keaveney) and Mary (or Delia) as the family called her was my grandmothers sister. I don't know much more about her than the site tells us but my father (her nephew) has 4 brothers and sisters still alive who frequently tell the story. They're all in Dublin now. I don't know any of the family that are still in Sligo.     It's good to know other people are as fascinated by her story as I am!
Hi Neil My grandmother was Delia's sister! She married a Keaveney and they  lived in Sligo but the family are now all in Dublin or London. We're all fascinated by the story and the family still talk about Delia
What is your grandmothers name? My great grandmother was adopted by Nellie Burns ( On of the oldest siblings ) Neil who has also commented on here has helped out a lot with information. There is still some family in Sligo and Niel has told me the names of the siblings he knows about. I really want to know more about Mary and her family.  
Hi, I have recently found out that Mary is my Great Great Great Aunt. Her sister Nellie Burns adopted my Great Grandmother. I was told that Nellie was waiting for Mary but soon found out that Mary didn't make it. I have also found someone who was a cousin to Mary. If you need more let me know.
Hi Everyone. I know it is a couple of years since you posted the comments below but I would be very interested in learning more about Mary Delia Burns and her sister Lily Keaveney who was a teacher in Lakeview School. I am currently putting together a book on St John's Parish, Carraroe, Sligo which I am hoping to have published by the end of the year.Tracey, you mentioned your sister was Lily. I am hoping to learn more about her. I have been chatting to past pupils of Lakeview School but would love to hear from you about her. I have some school pictures that she is in if you are interested, one from 1941, please email me at [email protected] hope to include the titanic story but I also have a section on Lakeview school. Any information or old pictures of her that you might have (ie. a portrait) would be much appreciated.Anyways I hope to hear from you.Kind Regards, Olivia Moran
My name is Graig Burns from Salmon Arm BC Canada. My great grand aunt went down with the Titanic. We thought her name was Melba Burns, but Mary Delia might be the one. Grampa was named David William Burns, had resided in Auchengree Scotland before immigrating to Innisville Ontario Canada. We heard the story that he waited for the Titanic to arrive in Halifax to meet his sister "My Wee Blondie". If Mary Delia is the right one, she may have intended to meet with David in a stopover and then continue on to America. Email is [email protected] if anyone wishes to connect dots further. I had my grandaunt residing in Cairncastle Co. Antrim Ireland, not sure of her age at the sinking.
My name is Graig Burns from BC Canada. My great grand aunt went down with Titanic and we thought her name was Melba Burns, but Mary Delia is the only Burns on the lost passenger list and she may be related. My grampa was David William Burns from Auchengree Scotland, had originally come from Ireland and we thought it was Cairncastle Co. Antrim but that is not certain either. If Mary Delia had a brother named David William that would clear up some genealogical fuzz. address is [email protected]
I have a problem with the updated biography of Mary Burns. Most sources have her age as 17 (or, in some cases, rounded up to 18, since she was in her 18th year of life) Besides ET, the only other source that lists her as 15 is, and even they have her age listed as 15 or 18. Even the document from 1912 has her as being 18. Surely the people from her own community would have known her real age. Also Senan Molony, who did extensive research for his book, "The Irish Aboard the Titanic," has her as 17. In any case, who is this mysterious relative who "claims" to have the correct information as to who the real Mary Burns is and what "proof" did they offer?
I understand that Mary Delia Burns was an ancestor of mine. My Grandfather's mother was Ellen Friel (nee Kemmet) and I believe (if this is correct) that Mary was her cousin, my grandfather's 2nd cousin. My grandfather lived in Tubbercurry and was brought up by his father and older sister as his mother passed away when he was only 6 weeks old. He moved to Birmingham in the 1950's. I would love to visit Sligo one day and find out more.
I understand that Mary Delia Burns was an ancestor of mine. My Grandfather's mother was Ellen Friel (nee Kemmet) and I believe (if this is correct) that Mary was her cousin, my grandfather's 2nd cousin. My grandfather lived in Tubbercurry and was brought up by his father and older sister as his mother passed away when he was only 6 weeks old. He moved to Birmingham in the 1950's. I would love to visit Sligo one day and find out more.
Hi Maria. Do you have any information that can shed some light on the actual age of Mary Burns?