Mary Kelly

Does anyone know what happened to Mary Kelly who was my grandfathers sister? We know she settled in New York and married a man named STEEN/STEENE or STEIN. She had a brother, James, also living in New York
Dear Carole,

The Mary Kelly who sailed on the Titanic settled in New York City, married John J. Heslin, and died in Brooklyn, New York, on December 27, 1950. She is buried in Holy Cross Cemetery, Brooklyn, New York. Unfortunately, her grave is unmarked.

I hope this helps.
Hi Carole,

Mary Kelly was only married to John J. Heslin, and the couple had several children. I knew her son James well, and the two of us had a lengthy correspondence many years ago.

I believe there may be some confusion concerning the real Mary Kelly who sailed on the Titanic. Mary Kelly Heslin was born on 9 February 1891 in Castlepollard, County Westmeath, Ireland. She was 21-years-old when she sailed on the Titanic.

I hope this will shed some additional light on the Mary Kelly you were inquiring about.

Mike Findlay
Hello Michael,

My brother, Michael, feels it must be the same person because the age is correct and the family came from the same area in Eire. Apparently, she was so traumatised by the journey to the US she was afraid to travel again, do you recall your friend ever mentioning that. Also, did he mention that he had an uncle Jim living in NY who travelled to England to visit his brother, Joseph, who had a farm?

Thanks again for your help
I'm looking fir as much information about Mary Kelly and her descendants. According to the Senen Maloney book "The Irish Aboard the Titanic" she looked after the Titanic Orphans in Collapsible D, but other books make no mention of her when discussing the Titanic Orphans. Any help and info is greatly appreciated.

[Moderator's Note: This message, originally a separate thread in a different topic, has been moved to this pre-existing thread discussing the same passenger. MAB]
Mary Kelly was my grandmother, she was on Titanic and was in lifeboat D. In the lifeboat she was handed 2 little French boys who took care off until they reached New York. Many years later those boys looked her up and they met in Brooklyn. Mary Kelly married John Heslin lived in Brooklyn. They had 6 children Howard, Maureen (my mother) Peggy, Jackie, John and James. She did return to Ireland and traveled quite a bit in her lifetime she was quite a gal.
Hello Mary,

Welcome aboard.


In the lifeboat she was handed 2 little French boys who took care off until they reached New York.

That would have been Michel and Edmond Navratil.

It sounds like your grandmother lived quite an interesting life.​
Hello Jason. Mary Kelly did in fact lead an interesting life. Besides having six children She traveled quite a bit with her sister she went back to Ireland twice and spent vacations in Canada. Her picture in hanging on the wall at the Titanic Museum when it was in St Petersburg Fl. It was a very large picture, I have had that same picture only smaller since I was a little girl. My Mom was still with us at that time, we brought the little picture with us. That was a strange experience we had no idea that when we went into the next room. We would see that very same picture. The museum had listed that she had perished on the Titanic. So we updated that error. No one was allowed to take pictures in rooms, but we were, so now I have a photo of my Mom and Me standing under the picture of Mary Kelly. That was a wonderful day.
This post is meant for Mary Moynihan: I hope you get this post and respond.

You mentioned in a post in September 2011 that Mary Kelly had six children, one of whom was named Peggy. Could her name have been Margaret Peggy Heslin? My Grandmother's name was Margaret but I am told the family called her Peggy. Her parents were John J and Mary Kelly Heslin and I have been told that her father was a NY police officer and mother was a survivor of the Titanic. I know very little of this side of my family, only that I was told my Great Grandmother survived the Titanic and that my Grandfather met Margaret "Peggy" in NY when he was stationed there during WWII with the US Coast Guard. I was able to confirm from my Grandmothers death certificate her parent’s names. If there is a possibility we could be related please contact me by e-mail at I would love more information.

Thank you,
Tim Buckley
Hi Mary Moynihan
You stated on a message board of another site that your grandmother, Mary Kelly, came from Ballydehob Co. Cork.
Though she is officially listed as being from Castlepollard, Co. Westmeath, her ticket was, indeed, purchased in Ballydehob which is over 200 miles from her home in the midlands of Ireland. Also, it is in sequence with two tickets purchased from the same agent by two Ballydehob natives, Bridget O'Driscoll and Annie (Nancy) Jermyn. All 3 young ladies were fortunate to survive escaping on the last lifeboat, ‘D’ launched.
Here in Ballydehob we are hoping to commemorate the tragedy, while celebrating the rescue of the survivors, in April and we would appreciate if you could help in solving the mystery of your grandmother's connection with our village.
Hello Tim, Noel,

Please be advised that according to Mary's profile, she has not accessed the board for almost five months. Therefore, she may not see your messages. However, you can send her an e-mail through her profile by clicking on her name.
Is your mother still alive?