Movies Queen Mary Appears in

Hello. I was wondering if someone could name all the movies the Queen Mary appears in or some of them. I have seen the ship in quite a few movies, most recently in Blood Work.
The Queen Mary is also in this other film titled Assault On A Queen.Frank Sinatra and some other actors whom I can't remember are in this film.They find an old sunken German World War 2 submarine and then they decide to fix it up to use it to be able to threaten the Queen Mary with a torpedo unless the Captain of the Queen Mary surrenders all of the riches that are aboard the Queen Mary.At the end of the film the Queen Mary is saved. Sincerely,Jerry Nuovo
Don't forget "Goliath Awaits", a 1981 TV film with Mark Harmon, Emma Samms, Eddie Albert, and, I believe, Christopher Lee. That film involves a fictional liner torpedoed, and sunk, at the beginning of World War II. Later, during a salvage trip to the site, it is learned that a few of the passengers and crew are alive, in protected air pockets.
Interestingly, the time given at the beginning of the film is the same time the Queen Mary was on its way to New York.

Another note: Queen Mary is featured in "Pearl Harbor", but that scene has several errors:
1. The dock area is incorrectly configured; coming up on the port side, there would have been the docking facility in the way;
2. The ship was in the South Pacific at the time; and,
3. She would have been painted in her "Grey Ghost" colors.
But such is Hollywood: never let facts spoil a romantic scene.
This doesn't have anything to do with movies directly, but the Queen Mary is seen in one of the episodes from The X-Files (which is still one of my all time favourite shows).
Was it the Queen Mary or the Queen Elizabeth that is actually being launched at the beginning of ANTR, and passed off as 'Titanic'? I thought that it was the QM, but I could have been mistaken.

Jason: In what capacity did the QM appear in the 'X Files'? I am a bit of a fan, but I don't remember that one.
I do have the DVD of ANTR which does have audio commentary by Titanic historians Don Lynch and Ken Marschall.And both of them do say that the scene of the Titanic being launched at the start of the movie is actually film of the Queen Elizabeth being launched.They used the film of the Queen Elizabeth being launched in ANTR because there is no known film of Titanic being launched.
Hi Bryan,

The Queen Mary was shown throughout the whole episode. Mulder and Scully somehow get thrown into a time warp and all of a sudden, they are aboard her in the late 1930's. Some of her interiors were shown and it was really well done. It was great to see a famous ocean liner tossed into the mix of the show, so I quite enjoyed watching it.

Nice to see another fan of the show!

Best regards,

Jerry: I guess that's the curse of being a liner buff. Re-watching ANTR recently, I couldn't willfully suspend my rivet-counter/amateur historian mode enough to just enjoy the thing.

Jason: I vaguely remember it now. It's been a really long (and eventful) time since I saw that one last.
Hi Jason, I remember that episode! Didn't the ship appear out of nowhere, that's why Mulder went out to investigate? Then he gets time warped into the WWII flashback where all the current characters play a role. Very well done I thought.

Hi Bryan,

It's been a while since I saw that episode as well. I'll have to watch it again, just to refresh my memory.

Hi David,

Yes, that was it! Mulder knew who Scully was, but Scully had no idea who Mulder was. Great episode!

Best regards,

Speaking of the Queen Mary. I am going to flying out to LA to stay a few days on her next week! My first time! Woo Hoo!

I think I'll have my friends and I get our pictures taken in the main Salon all leaning way over as in the Poseiden Adventure! Now who is going to shout "Manny! Manny!" over and over?
