Mr and Mrs Kimball

Hello dear people,

I've a question about a sentence in my Dutch version of Don Lynch's book "Titanic: an illustrated history". On page 106 under the point "Monday 15th of april 0.40" there is a sentence which says: "The Beckwiths, their daughter Helen Newsom, her Tenniscrack Karl Behr and Edwin Kimball and his family climbed into the boat." I was wondering which family was meant. I can't find any relatives to the Kimballs aboard Titanic. Maybe it's a translation error from the real English version. It's rather confusing. Is there anyone who could give me more information?

I'm looking forward to your responses!

Rollie, Mr. Edwin Nelson Kimball Jr. and his wife Mrs. Edwin Nelson Kimball Jr.(Gertrude Parsons) are listed on the ET First Class Passenger List. They occupied cabin D-19 reference the Cave List. I hope this helps. Norm
Hi Norman,

Thank you for the information. I was wondering if there was also some other family of the Kimballs aboard beside Edwin and his wife, cause that's what I understand from the book. I couldn't find any information about that.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you,

Rollie,I've looked on ET and others who have a passenger list,and also life boat lists,and various books I have, and I don't find any other Kimballs on board Titanic. I have come across a lot of last names followed by "possibly", meaning those names could be another name. But that's all I have come up with so far. Take care. Norm
Hi Norm,

I did the same thing and I must also conclude that I couldn't find any links to other Kimball-family aboard. Not with the name "Kimball" and not with the nee name of Mrs Kimball.

I think it's possible that the translation from Lynchs "Titanic an illustrated history" into Dutch was a bit false. Family could mean a lot in English though it does not in Dutch. For example it could mean the whole family including aunts, uncles etc. but also just a man and his wife. In Dutch it only means the whole family including aunts, uncles etc. That must have been the reason for my confusion.


Hi Rollie,

I have the English version of Lynch's book in front of me. It is on pg. 106 and there is absolutely no mention of the 'family' in this book. The paragraph reads:

'"Of course, madam," he replied. "Every one of you." The Beckwiths, their daughter Helen Newsome, her fiancé, tennis star Karl Behr, and the Edwin Kimballs of Boston all climbed in.'

That's all. No other mention of the Kimballs or any family. I guess the translation was incorrect. I have come across things like this before, where English versions of books were translated into other languages, giving deceiving and incorrect translations.

Hey Daniel,

I guess you're right about that. Cause the sentence from the English version is a bit different, but certainly more clear.

"Mr Edwin Nelson Kimball was the president of the Hallet, Davis Piano Company in Boston, MA
After the sinking, Mr Kimball continued to make his home just outside of the Boston area"

Any connection to the Kimball piano company, or just an interesting co-inky-dink?
Newton Journal, Newton MA wrote the obituary about Edwin Kimball April 8 1927. According to this Kimball s adress was 59 of 305 Fuller Street, West Newton. He was connected with the piano business for many years. Mr.Kimball retired from active work five years before he died. He was very active in club life. Mr. Kimball was survived by his wife. Mr. Kimball was survived by his wife , Gertrude Parsons Kimball. and his brother George Cook Kimball of Pittsburg. No mention of any Kimball Piano Company. No mention of any children.
hello evrybody,

was Gertrude Kimball the daughter of William Barclay Parsons sr. and Eliza Livingston Glass ?

need help!
Wellesley Free Library sent me this: Mrs Edwin Nelson Kimball Jr. (nee Gertrude Parsons - born Northampton MA. 10/4/1866 daughter of Isaac Parsons) Died 3/21/1963 age 95 Arrangements by J.S. Watermand Sons Inc., 542 Washington St. Wellesley. Cremated Newton Crematory.
Thank you for kind words Gianni.
Neewton Graphic published the probate for Edwin Kimball April 29 1929. Commonwealth of Massachusetts Middlesex Probate Court. The last will had been presented to the court, for probate, by Gertrude P. Kimball and Old Colony Trust Company. The public were asked to appear at a probate Court, to be held at Cambridge May 3 1927, to show cause.
Witness John C. Leggat, Esquire, First Judge of said Court.
Lorang P. Jordan Registrer.