Mrs Astor's SC Home

I recently took a tour of my town, Aiken, South Carolina, on a required trip for my school. As it turns out, I learned that Mrs. Astor had a home here just about two miles away from mine, in the downtown area. I don't know when it was purchased, but I'm assuming it was post-Titanic, considering the house's size and fashion. I'm aware that she ultimately lost the money from the marriage, but I would like to know some information about the buy, especially the date. If you know anything please post.

Thanks, Smith Mize ([email protected])
I would like to know more about this myself. I had read some where a while back that her home in Aiken had been in a fire. Is it still in existance? Seems it would be well known.
the aiken home is mentioned in a june 1916 NY Times article announcing mrs. astor's engagement to mr. dick. it did not re-appear in the article about her marriage to him the same year. you might consider looking up the deed at the county deed office. that would tell you when it was bought and sold, the prices, and the other parties as well as any changes made to the property itself while mrs. astor owned it. i am, of course, assuming that you know where it is or was. if not, i would think someone in your local historical society would know.
I could be wrong, but I think these are separate properties. Although Dixie Plantation is 800 acres, it is in Hollywood, Charleston County, and Aiken is in Aiken County. The two towns are about 125 miles apart. Is 800 acres equal to 125 miles?
Henry--I realize that. Nonetheless, 800 acres encompasses a certain distance because both miles and acres are measured in feet/yards. I did not know whether 800 acres could encompass 125 miles, such that sources that cite the Astor home in Aiken and the Astor plantation in Charleston County are referring to the same place.

> Caaroline, 1 acre is equal to 43560 square feet. Dividing 1 acre by 1 mile (5280 feet) gives the answer of 8.25 miles/1foot = 1 acre. In order to get 125 miles the width would have to be a little more than 1/16th of an inch. So it is possible that an acre could be defined as being 125 miles long if the width were about 1/16th of an inch. I don't know how helpful this is, but there it is.

Cheers, Henry
The house is still standing and I believe it is occupied. The houses in that part of town were all built around the same time, so there never would have been an opportunity for her to own more than 5 acres in addition to the actual residence. I'll be happy to take some pictures.

Darren, click on Smith's name, and you'll see that he hasn't checked in here since October 2005. Given that, it's not likely that photos will be forthcoming.