Mrs Marie Aks Passes Away

A tag is a personal choice. While my Jim Morrison days are far behind me, I understand that some appreciate him as both a lyricist and a poet. It is for Kelly to decide what meaning the line has to her, and whether it is relevant to the sinking of the Titanic. Nor do I think this is the appropriate thread to take someone to task over their choice of tag quote.
Sharon, have some class and learn a little kindness. And for what it's worth, if you can espouse Judaism in your posts (which also has nothing to do with Titanic), it's only fair for Kelly to quote Mojo Risin in her's.

I was very saddened by the loss of such a dear lady. However, I was not the one to start this childish argument in the middle of thread it had no business being in. I did and said nothing wrong and meant exactly what I said above.

That being said, I'm departing from this thread.

Hoping more may post some personal memories and photos, which is why we are here of course, my daughter recalled today the time Marie sat with her at a banquet. Being at that "ugly duckling" stage, my daughter was very self-conscious of her braces and thick glasses. Marie was all kindness to any child- always listening and making young folks feel important. When Marie returned to Norfolk, she sent my daughter a little guardian angel pin and a necklace with a big yellow smilie face. In the same package was 3 pounds of Marie's homemade fudge. My daughter still has the necklace and the little angel- and I am sure heaven has another one too.
Shelley: So sorry to hear about Marie's departure. I know that you and the Aks were quite close, so my deepest sympathies go to you.

They have achieved a state
without pain or needs
while we, choked by the weeds
of life, struggle on.

Best regards,
Thank you for the lovely recollection, Shelley - those of us who never had the priviledge or pleasure of knowing the Aks appreciate it, and it must bring to mind similar incidents to those who did. It certainly demostrates why she was such a cherished individual.
I have the 1953 Life Magazine featuring Mrs. Aks' attendance of the Barbara Stanwyck film. Her representation of the humanity that was lost on April 15th, 1912 was very moving. It's always sad when witnesses to history are no longer with us to share all that they have seen. It should cause us to appreciate all of our elderly and what they can teach us and share with us while we still have them...not just the ones who survived Titanic. God bless Mrs. Aks and her loved ones.

It was always difficult to catch Frank and Marie sitting down together at the same time- here's a great photo of the couple at THS in Wilmington Delaware. The new issue of VOYAGE #42 just mailed out and contains many photos and recollections of Marie sent in by members.
Photo TIS archives
Hello, again.

I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. and Mrs. Aks at the THS meeting in Philadelphia in about 1983. I wish I could have talked with them longer.

Shelley, that was a lovely story about Marie and your daughter. What a great lady!

Warmest regards,