Muffet Brown

I am new to this site, but I am also one of "Molly's" family. My name is Pam Feeley, but my maiden name was Benziger. My father, George Peter Benziger, was Helen's son. Helen was Molly's daughter. I would love to be part of this discussion board and learn more about my family from anyone who has additional knowledge, or if I can be of help in filling in any gaps some people may want to know about!
Hi, I'm Pam Feeley and have posted a message 2x today! I'm not sure how this works yet, but am looking for any information anyone may have about my family that I don't know. Also, I would be happy to fill in information as well. I'm Margaret "Molly" Brown's great granddaughter. My grandmother, Helen, was Molly's daughter, and I am the daughter of George Peter Benziger. I have 4 living sisters; (Heidi) has two son's which will hopefully, one day, carry on the Benziger name for the family. I just stumbled on this site by accident! I'm not sure how this works or how I know someone has contacted me, without trying to go back and find out where I posted stuff! There are so many areas around this message board. Please email me at [email protected]. Thanks so much! Pam