Oceanliner Designs' Grand Voyage - Upcoming virtual museum Experience

Description of the Virtual Experience​

"Oceanliner Designs’ GRAND VOYAGE is a new virtual experience designed to give you the freedom to explore history’s greatest machines.
In GRAND VOYAGE you can walk around historic vessels in a number of different environments, control the weather conditions and the time of day and interact with your surroundings to learn the incredible stories of some of history’s forgotten marvels. From ships like Empress of Ireland to the Queen Mary and the R101 Airship."


YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@GrandVoyageGame


Oceanliner Designs' Grand Voyage

The Team:​

Mike Brady​


Mike is the founder and presenter of Oceanliner Designs. He is from Melbourne, Australia and his passion for historic ships began, like most of the team, at a very young age when he was exposed to impactful films like A Night to Remember and Titanic. With a background in Industrial Design, sales and digital marketing he started Oceanliner Designs as an illustration business. Soon, Mike found a love for film making and storytelling, starting the YouTube channel in 2021 at the height of COVID lockdown and trying his hand at researching, writing, animating and production.

Sarah B.​


Sarah is a writer and researcher, specializing in the history of early twentieth century Edwardian liners. She considers Titanic her first real love, with the release of the 1997 film having sparked her affinity for ships. She began writing stories at the age of 5, eventually working her way up to poetry and creative writing pursuits throughout her academic career, eventually earning a BA in Music and English from Buffalo State University in 2011. When she isn’t writing or researching for Oceanliner Designs, she works at a large independent music shop in Buffalo, NY, where she manages the showroom and the lesson program, as well as handling marketing and social media content for the company.

Jack Gibson​


Jack grew up absolutely obsessed with the Titanic to the point his friends, family and even his school teachers couldn’t separate the image of Titanic from him - Jack took his love and passion of Titanic to the next level through his work with ‘Titanic: Honor and Glory’ and taught himself animation inside the program Unreal Engine to help bring the ship back to life, though he doesn’t just specialise in Titanic. Jack, like the rest of our team, shares a deep passion for all Ocean Liners from the towering hull of the Lusitania to the more cosy and compact Empress of Ireland. Where’s there’s a ship, there’ll be Jack!

Lucas Gustaffson​


Lucas is a 3D modeler from Brazil. His passion for ships started like many while watching the movie Titanic (1997) with his late father. This sparked a deep interest, browsing through magazines and the early internet for articles or any videos about ships and their history that he could find. Lucas started making cardboard and clay models of famous vessels but in later years, as a teenager, he began to model them digitally using Google Sketchup. Over the course of countless hours, Lucas has modeled many of history’s most well known and lesser known ocean liners and passenger ships. Inspired by the complexity of other models available online, Lucas rose to the challenge to try to replicate the hull curves and details; his first 3D model ship, the Empress of Ireland, was completed in 2015. Since then he has continued to hone his skill and craft, creating superb 3D visualizations. GRAND VOYAGE will feature many of Lucas’ 3D models, up-detailed and walkable. He says he continues to practice and improve all the time in the belief that all creators are eternal apprentices.

Matthew Hughes​


Like many, Matt’s interest in ships started back with shipwreck books and James Cameron’s movie. Matt’s first foray into computers was with modding for a game called Battlefield 1942 in 2002. After finishing a career in the military in 2016 Matt started learning Unreal Engine with the express desire to bring back to life historic Ocean Liners in photorealistic detail. After working on an SS Normandie experience Matt was picked up by the GRAND VOYAGE team to continue working towards bringing these historic machines back to life.

Liam Sharpe​

Liam Sharpe is a passionate 3D Modeler whose goal is to resurrect history with the use of hismodeling skills, and help retell their forgotten stories. He became obsessed with maritime history at age 4, when he read Dr. Robert Ballard’s book “Finding the Titanic”. Although unable to yet properly read the book he was captivated by the unforgettable, and haunting imagery throughout the book as painted by the artist Ken Marshall. This book, and Ken’s depictions of the sinking of the Titanic sparked an undying interest in maritime history. He picked up 3D modelingin 2016 and works with the software Blender. He is also a volunteer modeler at Titanic : Honor and Glory,and he has worked across a wide variety of personal and professional projects. With countless historical events having seemingly been lost to the sands of time, it is his personal goal to help rediscover them, and retell these stories that otherwise, are never told in full.
A September update from Mike Brady

R101 Gets its Power!​

"The R101 airship was a flawed and ultimately doomed design. I covered it some months ago in a documentary - its design was rushed and full of issues, resulting in its loss on its maiden voyage. Despite this, the airship as a concept represents a unique and curious moment in history when mankind finally turned his eyes to the skies for the future of transcontinental travel. Although the idea was abandoned by the mid 1930s, the airship endures as an alluring concept; to stand lazily over an observation deck window having just had a delicious lunch and stare down at the world beneath your feet. This kind of experience is impossible now - and that’s why we want to include airships in GRAND VOYAGE! R.101 will be the first that you’ll be able to explore and interact with, and 3D modeler Tino Thossi is doing a fine job of bringing her back to life. Here are some exciting update shots that show his progress on the engine nacelles, control cab and body. Notice the subtle fabric texture on the exterior skin of the airship!"


Renders by Tino Thossi can be check at R101 Gets its Power! — Oceanliner Designs' Grand Voyage
For the socials, I forgot to include the official Instagram page for this new experience so here it is. https://www.instagram.com/grandvoyagegame/
Currently it has five stills, but there might still be more if it gets updated.

The first two stills are familiar, as they were used for the first look preview and the reveal trailer, so I'll share them for you all get a better look of what's to come.


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Mike Brady just updated on opening of the official Patreon page for this experience.

Oceanliner Designs' Grand Voyage Patreon​

It only has one post of TSMS Lakonia, but just like on the official YouTube and Instagram, there'll be more posts on all three.
A new Patreon post from Mike with a following quote:

Hello Grand Voyagers!

Just sharing a short sneak peek of some of the very dramatic weather effects you'll be able to play with in game. Each weather effect changes the vibe completely, and we know you're going to have a blast exploring these ships in even the most turbulent conditions!

What's your default weather going to be?

Weather effects preview
A new Patreon post from Mike and the team with a following quote:

"You've seen some of our other weather effects featured previously, but one thing we're really loving to experience in-game is the stunning Northern Lights. Here we are taking it in on the deck of the Empress of Ireland. Get ready for some more seriously breathtaking views like this one - there's plenty more in store!"
Aurora Borealis Preview
A new Patreon post from Mike and the team with a following quote
Today we have a special sneak peek of one of our favorite areas in-game: the Southampton Docks!

We're pleased to introduce you to the gorgeous Ocean Terminal Building of 1950. This special structure was designed before the second world war but could only be constructed well after the conflict. It was part train station, part dock that would ensure passengers had a smooth experience when arriving to board their liner.

Some of history's greatest liners were serviced by this building including Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth. The ocean Terminal has such a unique vibe and our modeler, Matteo, is absolutely killing it with his attention to detail. Sadly the Ocean Terminal, an art deco marvel, was demolished less than ten years before the revival of cruising might have saved it from the wrecking ball. Getting to explore some of its spaces before stepping aboard the Lakonia will be a very unique experience! So much care is going in to recreating the feel of these historic spaces - ships and buildings alike - and we know you're going to love exploring them. What are your thoughts on this gorgeous building?"
Southampton Docks Preview
A new Patreon post from Mike and the team with a following quote:
Hey again Grand Voyagers!

We noticed there's been plenty of love for the beautiful Empress of Ireland, but today we'd like to shine the spotlight on the TSMS Lakonia! Built in 1929 and originally sailing for the Netherland Line under the moniker Johan van Oldenbarnevelt, or JVO as she was lovingly known, this ship enjoyed a wonderful, long career as both liner and cruise ship before meeting a tragic and fiery end during her Christmas cruise in 1963.

We're so excited for you to get the chance to explore Lakonia. There's been a lot of impressive progress by our team as they work to bring her, Empress, and R101 back to life for Grand Voyage!
Also, with a bonus question:
What areas are you most excited to visit on board the lovely Lakonia?

Lakonia in Drydock

One of our absolute favorite parts of developing this game is getting to see these beautiful historical vessels in all their glory once again, so that we can explore and appreciate their beauty like never before. How cool is it to see Empress of Ireland looking as lovely here as she did on her maiden voyage!

Empress At Sea

Update from the official Oceanliner Designs' Grand Voyage Patreon.

A Glimpse at the Shipyard​

with a bonus question:​

The shipyard levels of Grand Voyage will offer you the opportunity to get up close and personal with these historic ships like never before. What ship would you love to see from this perspective?

"Hi Grand Voyagers!
Today I wanted to share something really special with you. Matt, our talented developer and Matteo, our equally talented 3D modeler, have been working hard on creating a special environment for the game.
As you know, GRAND VOYAGE is about bringing the era of these magnificent machines to life in as much detail as we can. We have long been of the belief that the environments the ships operated in are just as important as the ships themselves for getting the full experience. As such we're working on a selection of historic locations and buildings that help tell the ocean liners' stories. One such example is this, Southampton! Most renown for its Titanic connection, Southampton served as the major ocean port for much of Great Britain's passenger shipping. Some of the greats of all time berthed here including Queen Mary and her running mate Queen Elizabeth. Each ship and vehicle we introduce to the game will be presented in an authentic location relevant to the ship's story - in this case, the TSMS Lakonia.
Lakonia operated, albeit briefly, as a cruise ship from Southampton in the early 1960s, so Matt and Matteo have been working VERY hard to study plans, blueprints, and photos to bring the environment to life. One of the fascinating parts of this process has been the recreation of the famous Ocean Terminal, a gorgeous building now long-lost. Players will be able to explore this fascinating space before boarding for their very own grand voyage!


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