Titanic in Black Ops 4 Zombies: Voyage of Despair - This won't end well...

You want to know something that's going to make it even worse?

The hooded villainous figure seen in the trailer who sets off the zombification of all on board Titanic? Look closely and see that his jacket cuffs bear the rank stripes of a First Officer -- for reasons unbeknownst to me, William McMaster Murdoch has been once again made the villain and utterly bastardized beyond recognition. Dalbeattie would throw a bleeping fit if they found out about this not-so-little brouhaha. Then again if one looks closely Captain Smith's uniform can be seen to have the same rank stripes so I might be mistaken in our identification -- Murdoch was after all very much not bald.

I'm going to hope that since they gave the Captain the same uniform, it was more a case of copying and pasting assets and uniforms than basing them off actual figures.

Also in the trailer, the villainous figure is seen kneeling and plotting in a 3rd class cabin (judging by the briefcase is possibly his own so perhaps he's just meant to be part of the senior crew?)

Screen Shot 2018-10-15 at 09.31.22.png

A slightly worse downside is while they suggested the villain is the first officer, Captain Smith ends up being the only recognisable person to appear and be converted into a zombie.

At the end, while we don't like it, we have to admit this is a side effect of the Titanic becoming a iconic / cultural icon.
Looks Hichens is at the wheel and Olliver is speaking with Captain Smith in the chart room just moments before they transform into zombies and collide with the iceberg.


Looks Hichens is at the wheel and Olliver is speaking with Captain Smith in the chart room just moments before they transform into zombies and collide with the iceberg.
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Perhaps, but Captain Smith is the only one that is easily identifiable.

(Off topic, but is Captain Smith the inspiration for the stereotypical white-haired captain or did this image predate him and Titanic?)
I think it predated Smith. Someone (Lights I think) said something to the effect of expecting him to have a voice like a foghorn because of that stereotype.

Very true. Here is the extract from Lightoller's book.

"Captain Smith, or 'E.J.' as he was familiarly and affectionately known, was quite a character in the shipping world. Tall, full whiskered and broad. At first sight you would think to yourself, "Here's a typical Western Ocean Captain. Bluff, hearty, and I'll bet he's got a voice like a foghorn." As a matter of fact, he had a pleasant quiet voice and invariable smile. A voice he rarely raised above a conversational tone. Not to say he couldn't, in fact, I have often heard him bark an order that made a man come to himself with a bump. He was a great favourite, and a man any officer would give his ears to sail under. I had been with him many years, off and on, in the mail boats."

There were quite a number of references to Captain Smith speaking quietly and calmly, but also moments when he barked out orders during the evacuation. e.g.

Mr. Jones - "The Captain shouted again, in fact, twice again, "Any more ladies?""

Boxhall - "The Captain shouted through a megaphone and ordered our boat to come back."

Lightoller - "I later saw the Captain using a megaphone. He was ordering the lifeboats to come back. I heard him two or three times hail the lifeboats through the megaphone to return back to the ship."

Mrs. Douglas - "Just before we got into the lifeboat the Captain called out, "How many of the crew are in that boat? Get out of there, every man of you.""

Samuel Hemming - "The Captain yelled out, "Everyone over to the starboard side, to keep the ship up as long as possible.""

It makes me smile somewhat that within the pages of this site, members of the Titanic's crew have been labelled liars, cowards and incompetent to the point of being criminally negligent often on the most flimsy of evidence and yet a computer game is an issue.

Funny world isn't it??
The problem is, while for us it may be petty or dismissive*, most people and the public will think it's true and just assume it's correct and just accept it without question (which is mainly what happened with the Fire and Binoculars claims). It up to historians like us to care and preserve historical accuracy.

*Since us historians / nerds know so much, we can spot inaccuracies or tell Olympic and Titanic's silhouettes apart from several miles away. I regret nothing! :D
Could be worse, at least we exercise some restraint when explaining things. Railroad preservationists, on the other hand...let's just say there's a reason they call themselves "foamers".
You’d feel different about it if they made the twin towers into a zombie video game map. It’s plain tasteless period.
I totally agree with you, people have told me I’m sad, petty, and stupid, because I say that this game is so disrespectful to the victims and family of the victims. They say they like making jokes about the titanic because it’s funny, I say “it’s not funny to joke about me that have died” they say “it was centuries ago” I hate it when people say that just because it was a long time ago doesn’t mean it’s not disgusting and completely inhumane