Oldest passenger on Titanic

Crew members Emma Junod Bliss and Frank Winnold Prentice became both older than 90 years. See Hermann Soeldners RMS Titanic Passenger and Crew List book.
Arne, my question is not how old they lived to, it was who was the oldest at the time of the voyage. BTW, if you are stating that Bliss lived to be the oldest of any passenger, I am afraid thats wrong. While she lived to be in her 90's, four passengers lived to be 100 and older. Mary Davis lived the longest of any, making it to 104. But Phil already stated who was oldest at the time of the crossing.
hello,thank you Bob for founding that for me ,her i think could be ukrainian but Belia is really close to Beila and i know Belia is ukrainian ,i was just curious about it ,but thank you again,are they the only ones? could be,best regards Anca
Anca, they are the only ones I know about. There may be others. On Beila's biography page there is a link to her death certificate, so you can see for yourself that she was born in Rumania. There is also a link to a newspaper obituary.