On a Sea of Glass: Future Updated Edition?

J Sheehan

If we ever get an updated edition of the fantastic "On A Sea Of Glass" released sometime in the future, what new things do you think we might see in it?

One of the things I would really like to see in it would be to see new accounts from survivors, as well as information about the lead-up to the collision and the events immediately afterwards, based on the research George Behe has done in his two excellent books "Those Brave Fellows" and "There's Talk of an Iceberg."

I would also like to see more photographs, charts, maps, diagrams, and information tables in it.

What new things would all you like to see in such a book?
I would be interested in seeing what the authors themselves have to say about this. There's always something new to learn out there. Understandings are always in a state of revision as new information comes to light.
Agreed that font was really small. But still a brilliant book. Their other book "Recreating Titanic and Her Sisters" is really good as well.
We have been working on the revisions list for nearly two years now, and the list of fixes and updates is quite extensive. Rest assured that if the publisher ever decides to put this newly-expanded and revised edition text into print (believe it or not, that is a big 'if') everyone is going to be stunned at what we've learned in the last decade. In the meanwhile, we continue to recommend the current Third Edition (softcover), because it is the most up-to-date text available.

Unfortunately, the font size in the current edition was a necessity due to page count restrictions, and we would refer everyone to the publisher for potential improvements in the layout and text size; we understand the concerns completely and agree. For those who have trouble reading the font at that size, we do recommend picking up a copy of the e-book, especially the Amazon Kindle version, as the text size is customizable, and the endnotes are all hyperlinked for ease of use.

Stay tuned for updates, and please feel free to contact the publisher directly to request a new edition in a larger format, with bigger text, hardcover option, and the like. We can tell them what our readers want until we're blue in the face, but until they hear from potential buyers (because to the publisher, what matters is who will actually purchase a new edition, and the more expensive a book is for them to produce, the more expensive it is for people to buy, and the less likely that people will pay for it, rendering their investment moot) they likely won't believe us.

I hope this helps!
We have been working on the revisions list for nearly two years now, and the list of fixes and updates is quite extensive. Rest assured that if the publisher ever decides to put this newly-expanded and revised edition text into print (believe it or not, that is a big 'if') everyone is going to be stunned at what we've learned in the last decade. In the meanwhile, we continue to recommend the current Third Edition (softcover), because it is the most up-to-date text available.

Unfortunately, the font size in the current edition was a necessity due to page count restrictions, and we would refer everyone to the publisher for potential improvements in the layout and text size; we understand the concerns completely and agree. For those who have trouble reading the font at that size, we do recommend picking up a copy of the e-book, especially the Amazon Kindle version, as the text size is customizable, and the endnotes are all hyperlinked for ease of use.

Stay tuned for updates, and please feel free to contact the publisher directly to request a new edition in a larger format, with bigger text, hardcover option, and the like. We can tell them what our readers want until we're blue in the face, but until they hear from potential buyers (because to the publisher, what matters is who will actually purchase a new edition, and the more expensive a book is for them to produce, the more expensive it is for people to buy, and the less likely that people will pay for it, rendering their investment moot) they likely won't believe us.

I hope this helps!
Hi Kent,

That sounds like good news to me! What sort of updates/fixes have been done to a revised edition of On A Sea Of Glass?
Stay tuned for updates, and please feel free to contact the publisher directly to request a new edition in a larger format, with bigger text, hardcover option, and the like. We can tell them what our readers want until we're blue in the face, but until they hear from potential buyers (because to the publisher, what matters is who will actually purchase a new edition, and the more expensive a book is for them to produce, the more expensive it is for people to buy, and the less likely that people will pay for it, rendering their investment moot) they likely won't believe us.

That is a good option, one that I'd like to take. But how do we get the correct (and the most practically useful) contact details of the publishers?
Good question, Arun. Here is the best place to start:

I hope this helps!