One to One

Randy, I fully understand and respect your loyalty to and defense of the Duff Gordons. Such loyalty is in rather short supply these days and your standing up for them is only to be commended.

Addison and I have been corresponding by email. He has apologized and he has explained his views which I totally respect. We have the white flag up. I certainly wish him the best.

Tracy and Michael,

I appreciate your words. The two of you have been through this yourselves with your projects so I know you understand how I feel.

Only one thing (to Michael), re: the lifeboat picture on Carpathia. This was not, as has been claimed, a picture taken at the request of the Duff Gordons. That tale, along with the assertion that Lucy made her "nightdress" comment as Titanic sank (rather than sometime afterwards which is the truth), has done her reputation more harm posthumously than anything that was said about her in her own lifetime.

The boat 1 group picture was one of a series of pictures taken by Chicago physician Frank Blackmarr. He befriended them and asked to photograph them. That is the true story.

Thanks for your support.

And happy Holidays to everyone.

Thanks for the information on the photo Randy. Nice to see another myth bite the dust!

Michael H. Standart
Randy, I just saw the picture of the kimono in the online exhibit last night (I'm really the last person to find out things sometimes...). It's really quite lovely...she had a good eye for clothing, didn't she?

What was her opinion of Coco Chanel? I've wondered that off and on in the past, and never felt brave enough to ask. I suppose now is as good a time as any!
My crew member would be Sixth Officer Moody, my passenger would have to be Thomas Andrews. As I've mentioned before I admire Moody, and I also admire Andrews.

You're welcome. Glad to have been of service.


I have responded to your question re: Lucile & Chanel via email.

And to keep this thread on track, my answer to the originally posed question - which passenger/crew-member would you most like to have a tete-a-tete/one-on-one with? - would naturally be "Lucile" or Edith Russell. Of the crew members, I suppose I'd like to speak with William Murdoch or James Moody. They seem such mysteries to me.

Hope the storm's cleared, back to keeping the thread on track (sorry Addison and Randy for my comment earlier on, it's been edited).

I mentioned my crew member being First Officer for my passenger, probably the Allisons or Mr. Andrews. I would like to know the real reason behind why Lorraine never got onto a lifeboat eventually, or how Andrews felt about the entire incident.

Glad to see so many nominations for James Moody! I wouldn't mind having a tete-a-tete with him - he was a lively character with a beautifully developed sense of humour. If this was an...erm...posthumous conversation, his role in the disaster as it unfolded put him in an excellent position to have a good overview of the event.

Harold Lowe would of course be my other choice. As for passengers, I'd nominate either Rene Harris, Daisy Minahan or the Comptons (any of the three)
My problem would be, once I started talking to James Moody, I wouldn't be able to stop! And there are others on the Titanic I'd love to chat with, so how could I pull myself away from James and go and talk to the others? Hence, the need to gather everyone in one extraordinarily large room!

And who would some of those others be? Jack Phillips, Harold Bride, William Murdoch, Jack Thayer, Milton Long (I'd love to know why he lied about his age!), Archibald Gracie, Lawrence Beesley...if I kept going, this list would stretch all the way to Southampton!
Yeah someone else who'd chat to Jack! (Was starting to think no one like him lol!)

For a passenger I'd chat with Thomas Andrews, but he's already been picked quite a lot, If I had to choose another I don't think I would choose a first or second class one, I think I'd chat to a third class passenger, probably one of the Goodwins, or one of the other large families on board.


For a woman, I would choose Mary Fortune, and ask her to tell me about her childhood, siblings, and life.
Being one of 15 children must have been an interesting life, and such a large family always has different challenges and hurdles, and I am interested in learning how they managed.

For a man, it would be a toss up between Gracie and Straus to tell me about the Civil War. Straus was a blockade runner, and Gracies dad died at the Battle of Chickamauga. To talk to someone who was at/in/around the Civil war would be unforgetable and bring it all to life.

For a crewmember, the one who gave Winnie Coutts his life jacket would be a brave and selfless hero I would like to meet and be able to properly identify him for the history books.

If I had to pick an officer, I suppose I would slide over and say Captain Haddock. No real reason, other than he seemed like a really respected man.