Open the Watertight Doors!

My take is that had they successfully avoiding the bow hitting, they would have still made the second turn and avoided the stern hitting as well. The only way the stern would hit is if they failed to make that second turn at the right time. I don't see that as likely in any scenario.
That's why I suggested that you read Sam's book before jumping into conclusions. It is not a question of just "not seeing" but one of carefully calculated scenarios depending on known facts that prevailed at the time.
That's why I suggested that you read Sam's book before jumping into conclusions. It is not a question of just "not seeing" but one of carefully calculated scenarios depending on known facts that prevailed at the time.
We know they counter steered around the ice berg to avoid damage to the stern. If they narrowly missed with the bow they would have made the same maneuver to avoid hitting the stern. That move showed an intimate knowledge of the steering of the ship that they would not have omitted in a near miss of the bow. There would have to be some extremely unlikely chain of events that would lead to them NOT counter steering around the ice berg. So I do not see that as a likely scenario.