Other ships on which he sailed

In the article "The Surrey Man who Went Down in History" from Surrey Life magazine, researcher John Young says that the Titanic was the 13th ship on which Phillips sailed. I have yet to find a source which names them all, but I have pieced together a list from various articles and sources.

The ones I am quite certain about (because they are listed in many articles/biographies) are: Lusitania, Mauritania, Adriatic, Teutonic, Campania, and the Oceanic. [A few side notes: the photograph of Jack Phillips by Father Browne was taken aboard the Adriatic. Also, a photo of a postcard he sent to his sister from the Teutonic can be seen at this auction site - https://www.lelands.com/bid.aspx?lot=513&auctionid=305 ].

Other ships I have read that he was on are the Corsican, Victorian and/or Victoria (possibly the same ship), Pretorian, Canada, Danube, and Gordon Bennett’s yacht Lysistrata. One of the articles available on this site says that he sailed to the Orient, but I'm not sure which of these ships,if any, would have gone to Asia.

Can anyone confirm this list? Also, several biographies I've read state that the Oceanic was his favourite ship - does that come from an accurate source?