Jack Phillips Anyone know if he worked on the Olympic

Not quite up there with my Jack postcard, but have just got my Lewis Cover back from the framing shop. Did sort of the same thing.

Congratulations on acquiring your Jack Phillips card, Miles!. It's a nice example,one of several he sent in Autumn 1911 when he was working a number of European destinations. I can only underline Don's comments about keeping it in an acid free sleeve and out of direct sunlight - that's a very special signature you've got there! You asked earlier about the album that your card originally came from.It belonged to Jack's older sister Elsie. I understand that he regularly sent cards to both her and her twin Ethel because they liked to collect pictures of Jack's adventures - he saved most of his news and personal stuff for letters to his parents. I had the privilege of viewing the album, when the collection of cards (312, I believe) were still with it, just before it was sold at Christie's in 1997. It had a green cloth cover and I remember being struck by the fact that it was almost exactly half full - very symbolic of a life cut short. As someone mentioned, the cards come up for auction from time to time, Aldridges sales are always a good place to look. The prices in the last few years seem to have averaged between £300-£800 (plus premium). I never saw them at auction so I'm only guessing, but I suspect that the two cards he sent from Titanic went for a whole lot more! Well done again for your card. If you are going to display it, I would advise having it listed as a separate item on your home contents insurance, and give your insurers a copy of it for their records (Just in case, heaven forbid, anything should happen).Enjoy it!
Hello Mandy
At first when I found out that there were just over 300 of these cards I thought they were quite common. But then again when you think about it 300 is not really that many when compared to some signed limited addition prints ! May I ask how you were able to see the whole collection as a complete set ? It had crossed my mind that had any of these cards mentioned getting a position on the Titanic then they fetch more let alone being sent from the Titanic ! The card came in a plastic container but I am not sure if it is acid free. Is this going to be a problem so long as it is out of direct sun light ? If not do you know where I can get something, which is acid, free to store it in — just to be on the safe side. I was wondering where they found all these cards in 1997. Did they stay within jacks family being passed down to new generations who then decided to sell ? Or were they only recently discovered in an old shed somewhere… I also wondered how far back the first card in this book went ? I suppose I paid the asking price which was around £520 without the premium. Are most of these cards sold now - as you say they came to light in 1997 ? I understand they pop up from time to time.

Thanks for your reply
Hi Miles. If your card came from another postcard collector, then the sleeve you received it in is almost certainly acid free, so I doubt you have a problem. You are right, 300 really isn't so many and, ofcourse, each of the messages is unique.

I was lucky to see the cards, still in their album, because my friends at Godalming Museum were going to try and acquire them, to bring them back to his home town. I visited Christie's with the Curator of the Museum when she went to view the collection. I did not bid at the sale because I didn't want to bid against the museum and force the price up, but sadly they did not win the collection anyway. Naturally, no auction house will ever reveal the identity of a vendor, but through research over the years, I have a pretty good idea of the history of the cards.

I know several other Phillips collectors but I doubt that our combined collections add up to 300 so I'm sure there are still plenty of cards out there for you to find!

Finally, yes, there is a card on which Jack mentions going on Titanic. He posted it from Belfast and it had a picture of Titanic under construction. He seemed rather disappointed that his secret was out of the bag because he grumbles to Elsie "I suppose Ethel's already told you I'm going on Titanic....." You can see a picture of this card in the book 'Titanic- Fortune&Fate'
Hello Mandy

Thanks for your reply. I don't think I will be after another Jack card. One is plenty for me.
It's a great shame actually that they did not go to a museum and be kept in one piece in there original album. It saddens me to hear that this museum tried to bid but lost. But then having said that I would not have this card today if they had not been split up. So I’m very much caught between the devil and the deep blue sea as I feel they should have been kept together, yet I wanted the card and am very happy to own it.I hope most of the cards were at least photographed before going into other peoples collections never to see the light of day again. I could be alive for good few more years to come but as well as insuring it humble though *one* card may seem I’d happily leave this one to a museum.

Did not know there were people whom were sole collectors of these cards ! Are they doing this for the purpose of having as many in one place of just because they enjoy collecting Jack cards…
But as I said one is more than enough for me - and now I have one if I see another I would not bid - but rather give someone else whom does not have one a better chance of owning it ! - not that I'd be much competition in the bidding world.
Hi Miles. Yes It was sad that Godalming Museum failed to win the album. As with all small organisations like that, I guess they simply didn't have the funds to go up against private collectors. I believe they tried to get a grant, to assist the bid, but were turned down.
I don't know of anyone who purely collects Phillips cards. Most of my friends have general Titanic collections, but some people like to have a 'special' area of interest, for example passengers of a particular nationality or crew of a certain area (Officers, Engineers, Restaurant staff etc.)In my case, it's the Marconi Shack. I also have a German friend who likes Titanic stuff, but is more of a general autograph collector. Ironically, we became friends after he out bid me for a Phillips card at an auction and we were introduced through a mutual friend afterwards. This is one aspect of being a Titanic buff that I particularly like - you get to meet interesting people from all over the world. It's one of those strange things - such a horrific event all those years ago has today brought so many people together and given them a fascinating hobby and many friends.
Finally, in answer to your original question - no, Jack never served on Olympic. Before Titanic, Mauritania was his largest ship.

Anyone have any idea where I can obtain acid free plastic sleeves ? This card has not been in any sun light ( nor will it! )However I understand now that the card was not kept it's plastic covering. Surly it will be safe behind non reflective glass and out of direct sun light ?

