PBS documentary Sinking the Lusitania

Has anyone else seen the PBS documentary, "Sinking the Lusitania?" I wonder what folks thought of it.

It's being broadcast this week on different nights at different stations. You can go to PBS on line, www.pbs.org and find out when a station in your area will run it.

Personally, I wasn't very impressed, but maybe that's because there wasn't anything there I hadn't already heard before. (It's only a one hour program). Still, I thought it went further than most (TV) accounts in discussing the British "Hunger blockade" and how this affected German naval strategy.

I'm curious to know what others thought.

Fred Pelka

I have just seen this on our History Channel
I was most intrigued by some of the photos which I had not seen before in my viewing or reading on the Lusitania. One that stood out was from her boat deck at Liverpool on sailing day.

