PBS Secrets of the Dead: Abandoning the Titanic

Harland, would I lie? I'll leave the lying to certain unnamed politicians.
Bill Sauder and Parks Stephenson posted on FB they were not informed about footage of them being used in this doco written by Molony.

Sorry If I offended you for what I wrote above Samuel, I know you would't lie about something like that (in retrospect I worded the above very badly). It's just shocking that a TV show would literally just copy and paste interview footage and not expect some repercussions.

Again, apologises for my previous post.
Well I guess there has to be somebody so I guess I'm it. I didn't think it was that bad. Yes lots of circumstancial evidence relied on with regards to the Mount Temple but I thought it was much better than "Titanic-The New Evidence" One thing I did notice right off at the beginning was the footage that had more smoke coming out of the fourth funnel than other three..doctored? Anyway thats my take on it. I had thought some of the Titanic historians in this had retired from it so it was nice to hear their take on the matter. You can watch it at the link below if interested. Hope all having a good evening. Cheers.
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Difference of opinion. No problem.
If this Doc is causing all this trouble, I need to watch this. Thanks for the Link Steven, I appreciate it.

Its mainly about the Mystery Ship and Californian Controversy, right? So for someone like me who is better versed in a different area of Titanic (like the wreck, for me) would I understand it? Would I like it?
No trouble Cam. When I said it was not bad I meant in comparrison to some other recent documentaries. Which I thought were pretty bad. Not bad does not mean good, at least in my mind. There were things in it I both liked and didn't like. Watch it for yourself and see what YOU think of it. But I will say when it was finished I commented to myself.."well the anti-lordites aren't going to like this...they didn't beat up on Capt. Lord and the Californian enough" Which had nothing to do with the Titanic hitting the berg and sinking. That was all on the crew of the Titanic. Cheers.
>>but is anyone just getting fed up at the downward drop in Quality of these Titanic documentaries in the last 5 years?<<


I completely understand that people out there want to make a name for themselves by making "The BIG Discovery" which explains everything when the harsh reality is actually very straightforward: The RMS Titanic ended up as scrap metal on the bottom because the ship blundered into an icefield and used one of the bergs as a can opener.

Hardly remarkable as ships have been getting killed by icebergs for centuries. The rest is just haggling over the details.

This time around, what was resurrected was the old Dr. Quitzrau affidavit which was discredited as far back as 1912, It's quite the fantasy and starts with times that can't possibly be correct when matched up to the claimed events. Read it for yourself.

Yes. His statement makes no sense on a couple of different levels.
Example: "About 3 o'clock New York time, 2 o'clock ship's time"

If it was 3am as reckoned by local apparent noon, then it would be something like 1:20am NY time. By this time, Titanic had been scattered all over the bottom for two hours. They never saw the Titanic and couldn't.
Here's a bit of . Quitzrau fun I played with some time ago, Michael. You or others might enjoy picking it to bits


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Review: (in order)

The opening bit is a bit creepy, with a child singing a song about the ship.
We are shown newspapers about the disasters, even one of an early breakup drawing.
Pictures of the Mackay Bennet
Titanic is a "reckless Tragedy". Conflicted on that one.
We see graves of Titanic Victims, Like Sidney Holloway
Titanic: Honor and Glory's 2016 Sinking animation is shown. Faces are interposed on it, Like Ben Guggenheim (He looks like a young boy!) The Strauss, etc.
'Pursuit of Answers on why so many had to die"....sigh
"a world abruptly swamped by struggling steerage-class immigrants as keen as any aristocrat to escape the gruesome demise that confronted them" Interposed with A Night to Remember stills.
Waves with the quote, "Tell him to come at once, We are sinking," by Captain Smith
The Marconi Wireless's job during the sinking is explained
The Mystery Ship's lights are explained.
Titlecard, usual Forepeak shot.
Secrets of the Dead Intro
Quick Backstory of the Titanic.

The entire thing is too dramatic, and I haven't even got to the Mount Temple bit.
I'll leave that section to you well experienced guys
Here's a bit of . Quitzrau fun I played with some time ago, Michael. You or others might enjoy picking it to bits
Jim.. what if the "light on the Horizon" was actually Titanic's lights being reflected off an iceberg?
I mean, there were a ton of icebergs near the lifeboats, s they suddenly realized when dawn came