PBS Secrets of the Dead: Abandoning the Titanic

As Tim Gerard said back in post #8, "I intend this post ONLY as a short review of the episode. I do not intend this, at all, to start another debate on this forum regarding the mystery ship."

As a documentary, it lacks objectivity and pushes sensationalism. There was nothing new as far as I could tell except for some reference to the log of the German boat that sank the Mount Temple in WW-I, where the skipper described the MT as having 4 closely spaced masts, and then goes into quoting Boxhall from 1912 who, when describing the mystery ship, said: "the masts were pretty close together."
Can't speak for anyone else, but its not worth my time.
I don't think anyone will be bothered too much,Sam. You are lucky, though, time is about all some of us have.
Jim.. what if the "light on the Horizon" was actually Titanic's lights being reflected off an iceberg?
I mean, there were a ton of icebergs near the lifeboats, s they suddenly realized when dawn came
No, Cam, there was not a "ton" of icebergs near th lifeboats, in fact there were very few. Actually we are told of but one. Sure, there were plenty around but they were some way off from the site if the sinking.
:D :D :D
Here's a bit of . Quitzrau fun I played with some time ago, Michael. You or others might enjoy picking it to bits
I read that document and the one Mr. Standart posted. He says they stopped and turned off the lights. That makes no sense to me. Why would the Mount Temple go black? I can understand a warship running dark but I can't think of reason why they would. If theres a reason would be interesting to know.
P.S. I could only read the text of your doc so if there was a graphic I couldn't see it. That's on my end not your program. My computer has been buggie lately. Serves me right for patting myself on the back after I finaly fixed my laptop charging problem.