Peter Davies-Garner's Model

Mark, "How long did it take you to put the planking on the decks?" Too long!
. But to be honest - I haven't got a clue. The decks were laid with maple veneer, which is a nice yellow-brownish wood with hardly any grain so it is suitable for even very small scale models.
Part of the agreement for building the model was that the deck-plank seams were to be drawn on the decks. This had two reasons: a) to save time (and money) and b) this is how it was done on the builders models too.
Some folks in the plastic modelling fraternity seem to be fascinated by this material (plastic) and would never substitute it for anything else - other than resin nowadays. You're an experienced modeler too. Let me suggest the next time you lay the decks of a model ocean-liner try using maple veneer instead of the plastic decks. Even if some grain might appear a little overscale it is by no means as disturbing as painted plastic.

I have been thinking about making wreck model many times but as I am not into scenic models I'd go for a 1912 wreck.
Another very tempting idea is a very large model of the bow section on its way to the ocean floor. Surely there must be some way to fill a tank with clear resin with the model inside the tank so that it looks as if bubbles are streaming out of the break area. Items that were torn off during the sinking would also be included. This would be some sight!
Or - a model of the bow section on the ocean floor, a few days after in landed there in April 1912. Obviously, this would be based on a lot of supposition.

That could be quite interesting.
Alot of good ideas
Also maybe a model of Titanic 's bow right at the moment of impact on the bottom sending up clouds of sit and chunks of mud, with the big explosion of air bubbles and the shell door on the starboard side below the well deck from the water being pushed out, creating the large hole in the hull. Roy Mengot's wreck model is the best resource to look at for making your own wreck model. His site has alot of technical data on how Titanic ended up the way she is now. One diorama would be to model Titanic during the break up, based on Roy's findings.
Just received a copy of Peter's book. Anybody who rivet counts this model with malice aforethought should be given a free sail on the full size replica which may be ready to sail in 2012 and be ensured of no place in the boats! My models have been described as good but this one is in another league. In this mortal life nothing can be perfect but the Davies Garner model beats anything I have seen yet!