Question for Geof Whitfield re Sage family

Greetings Mr. Whitfield, I read with interest what you had to say about the Sage family in a previous thread. Could you please give me a rundown on what you know about the Sages? I'm curious about this family too.

Richard K.
Hello Richard,
John George Sage was born in Hackney, London in 1867. During his youth he had a number of trades which included corn grinder,theatre door attendant, barman and baker.He married Annie Elizabeth Cazaly, also from Hackney on 2nd November 1890. Annie was from a large family of French Hugenot extraction, members of which had emigrated all over the world.The couple went on to have the following children:
Stella Anne born Hackney 1891
George John born Hackney 1892
Douglas Bullen born Hackney 1894
Frederick born Hackney 1895
Dorothy Florence born Hackney 13th October 1897
Anthony William born Hackney 1899
Elizabeth Ada born 9th November 1901
Constance Gladys born Freebridge 1904
Thomas Henry born 1907

I understand that another couple of children died in early infancy. Sometime around 1900 the family moved to the Norfolk area where John became landlord of several public houses in the North Wootton area. They then moved to Peterborough where they purchased a small bakery and shop at 237 Gladstone Street.Once this had become established, John and his oldest son, George, went to Canada where they worked as dining car attendants for the Canadian Pacific Railway. It was during a working trip to America that they discovered Florida and thought it "quite the most wonderful of places" to quote a postcard from John to his wife. He decided to relocate the family to Jacksonville, where he had put a deposit on a farm where he intended to grow pecan nuts. John returned home in late 1911 to prepare the family for the move, his son George remained in Florida where he became engaged to a local girl. In early 1912 he too returned home in order to settle some business. Annie Sage did not want to leave England, having a particular fear of the Atlantic Ocean - her daughter Dorothy (Dolly) had fallen into a well in the back yard of the family home and almost drowned. Annie also appears to have been rather timid by nature too. John insisted that the family piano and other furniture was crated up and sent ahead and relieved Annie of over £1,000 - a tremendous sum in those days - with which he paid the balance of the farm. Nobody seems to know what became of the proceeds of the farm in Florida, for when John's estate went through probate in Peterborough on 25th May 1912 (didn't waste any time there!!) his effects came to £347.9s.0d which went to his sister, Mary Ann Perrin.
Hope this helps


Hi Geoff, and thank you for your help on this topic. I really appreciate it. Thanks!
I have another question. You quoted some words from a postcard to Annie from her husband in your post. Is this postcard still extant?

Richard K.
Hello Richard,
I believe that the postcard is still in the family. I made a copy, the text is as follows:
Date illegible 1911

My Dear
have found a lovely plot of land, Jacksonville is quite the most wonderful of places.I count the days until I'm home with my dear ones.
Your loving husband
Thanks again, Geof.
One final question, have you found out anything else about the Sage family from, say, an archive at a library or museum or descendents of John Sage in the course of your research or has it just been from Annie's descendents so far?

Richard K.
Copies of letters of Administration are held at the Peterborough Probate Courts concerning John Sage's estate although they don't go into any great detail. I have never found any of his family and just one great nephew of Annie's. Neither of the families appear to have been very close or kept in contact over the years.
