Rarest Titanic Item

My prized posession would be one of the bollards off the bow of the 'Raise The Titanic' model.

Kevin, I too also have some large pieces of rust that came off the big piece.

I also have a 1" x 1" piece of carpet from the Olympic.
I don't really have any especially rare or valuable items, but the most important to me in my collection would be my copy of the illustrated edition of A Night to Remember by Walter Lord, among some others- they previously belonged to an old woman who had been a member of the Titanic HIstorical Society for many years and was very passionate about Titanic. She passed away last fall, and her husband sold most of her older Titanic books to me.
Hi Kevin
Your rust collection looks more like a bowl of rust than a vial- But the color and consistancy looks the same- thougn the rust we put in the vials was more of a powedery than solid bits....The vials were perhaps finger length- basic scientific vials, with a rubber stopper- and we added lables 'Rust from the RMS titanic, St Paul MN 1999). We gave these to our dedicated corps of 800 plus volunteers- the rust was vacumed off the flatbed truck that transported the Big piece as well as the discarded burst tank that once held the Mooring bits- all that rust was to have been hosed off or discarded- why not make good use and give it away to our volunteers? Otherwise the rust woulkd have gone down the drain....
Hi Michael,
I too have a small collection of postcards from 1912 some are blank on the back and some have been written on with postmarks stamped on them. Authenticity has always peaked my curiosity. Is there any way to tell the real ones from the fake ones???
Hello everyone ! I'm curious to see the collection of members but I didn't find particular threads about it. Is it a good idea to "raise" this thread? :p
However, good idea or not , here there are my most valuable artefacts: pieces of steel from the Big piece:






I also have piece of coal and Olympic artefacts (jug, engineer dish plate, buttons...) and I had others but I had to sell it because I more need to success in my studies than collecting items ;)