Reactions to Lusitania Sinking?

Are there any records of how any Titanic survivors reacted to news of the Lusitania? Relatedly, did any of the female Titanic survivors serve or volunteer?
I have never come across any account of Titanic survivors reactions to the Lusitania. Im sure they were upset and sad to read about it like so many others were. I would be willing to say more so because of what they went through 3 years before, not to mention all the flashbacks they must have had.
Yes, and I wondered, too, if service overseas during WWI would have been exceptionally traumatic for some, but possibly a lessening of survivor guilt for others. All 5oughts on that welcome!
WW1 was probably double trouble for some of these people--imagine the stress of surviving the Titanic AND added PTSD of surviving combat and trench warfare a few years later on top of that!!