Reginald Robinson Lee

R.R.Lee was my Grandfather's brother we have a photo of him when he was in his uniform as a paymaster in the Royal Navy,probably as a teenager.I will find the original & work out how to post it for those interested.I live in Fremantle Western Australia & would like to know is the house Reginald lived in in Southampton still standing & for my family tree are there any of his descendants around.
Hello Lindsay and welcome aboard! It's great that you want to share the photograph with us and I'm looking forward to it. Also to your further postings, maybe you have some recollections of your grandfather's brother that you'd also like to share with us. He certainly is a very interesting man in the Titanic story. And his biography on ET is not too detailed yet.

As to your question regarding his Southampton house and the family I there'll certainly be some Board Members who'll be able to answer your questions.

Many regards
Lindsay this is such a GREAT photo. Thank you so much for sharing it with us!! Very interesting seeing him a little younger than on the known photo from the Daily Sketch, at the inquiry. And what a charisma.

Phil you're faster than the wind.

Many regards
Morning - Reginald Lee lived at 52 Threefield Lane, St Marys, Southampton - sadly this house no longer exists the whole area was decimated by German Bombs in 1940-44 and only a few building were left and in the subsequent tidying up the rest were demolished - today it is a business and apartment block area.
Is the photograph the same as the one in the The Times, Bull Creek, Fremantle, Australia, January 19th 1993?
Best regards

Brian J. Ticehurst - Southampton UK.

Greetings and welcome to the board. There are some details I would like to share with you. If you would to contact me privately, hopefully we could resolve this inquisitive problem I have discovered with The Minutes.

Andrew W.
Brian.Yes that was the pic & story written by Jack Lee nephew of R.R.Lee.I now have the original pic & will send it in when I work out how.Thanks for the info.Andrew have forwarded you my address.Gordon Lee
Attached is copy of original R.R.Lee pic.Gordon Lee

I have found some interesting pieces about
RR Lee several years ago which will appear
on this site shortly. I hope it adds a little
to your search and I hope you will contact
me to let me know what you think about it.
[email protected].

Best Regards,

Brian Meister
Sobering reading Brian I have'nt digested it all it will take me quite awhile.R.R.Lee's brother died at age 45 in 1921 in Fremantle Australia.He had fought in the Boer War & WW1.The circumstances I would think were similar to his brothers.H.W.Lee's widow was left with 5 boys to raise aged between 16 & 8 years old.2 of them dying recently in their 90s.Brian's posting explains why the widow in Aus.received no support from her brother in law [R.R.Lee]in the U.K.Gordon
Attached is a pic of Jane Sarah Quilter Lee.She was born in 1849,widowed in 1887.Reginald Robinson Lee was her son & was 17 years old at the time of his fathers death.He was the oldest of 7 children.When Reginald died in 1913 at 43 years of age,his mother was 64,her only other son was in Western Australia,& she was a widow.I imagine Reginald gave his mother some support & when he died tragically what sources were there to support her & if Reginald had family to support them also?
Many thanks for sharing that, Gordon! Lee was such a major player in the events that unfolded that night and afterwards at the BoT inquiry, and yet so little background material concerning him has been made accesible in the public domain. I appreciate your generousity in sharing the photos and the family data - it has added a new dimension of poignancy to his story. Cheers also to Brian for sharing more information with us as well - it all pares back those obscuring layers of time.
I have found here in Australia pictures of 2 of Reginald R.Lee's sister's.They may be of interest.The first is Irene,the other is Leonie or Beatrice,

They're of great interest, Gordon - many thanks for your generosity in sharing them. What an intriguing face Leonie/Beatrice has - not 'conventionally beautiful' as the phrase has it, perhaps, but there's a certain piquant liveliness to almost gamin charm, that's only accentuated by the choker and ostrich feathers.
Thanks Inger I guess an overseas place such as Australia could be a source of info such as pictures,because in those times[early 1900s]families kept in touch via the writtenword.Photos were also sent to relatives to show those in faraway places what brothers & sisters looked like.I will keep digging.