Return Voyage

I read somewhere that the Titanic was book full for the return half of the maiden voyage. Was the list ever publised as sometimes the newspapers of the day published who was travelling on what ship? I can only imagine the illustrious names booked on the retun half.
Mike: I am not sure but I think the official list was burned by the White Star Line after the Titanic tragedy. I will have to found where I read this. Sincerely,

Funny you should ask that. I was reading Eaton and Haas, Titanic, Destination Disaster today and it put the schedualed arrival date as Wednesday 17 April and the sceduled departure date of noon, Saturday 20 April. (See page 84).

Rumor has it the return trip was canceled due to some minor technical difficulties. Something about damage to hull plating and rivits causing boyancy problems.(oops)

Michael H. Standart
Mr MP and/or Mr MHS
Did these cruise ships have a two-three day turn around normally? Were their coal supplies to last for the entire voyage or just one way?

As far as those minor technical difficulties...what about patches? ;)
Mo, depending on the ship, the turn around could be as little as three days and as long as a week. If memory serves, the coal on board was generally good for a one way crossing. I'll have to check back into that. Of course, coaling was the worst part of it all. It had to be loaded manually and the dust which spread despite the very best efforts to contain it got into absolutely everything. So much so that cleaning it up was an all hands effort. Everything had to be clean and gleaming befor the passangers came on board.

Patches? Not with water coming in at seven tons a second you wouldn't. Think of a 49 inch diameter watermain under pressure being cracked wide open. That's what the crew was up against. I had the benefit of damage control training at Treasure Island in San Francisco and shoring/patching was one of the things we did in a simulator which was allowed to sink to the bottom of a (Fortunately) shallow tank. Patches on even the smallest holes had to be braced with a heavy wooden beam just to keep them from being forced out and just getting them in place on or over small holes took our team half an hour. It wouldn't take much to break it up and the water there wasn't even coming in under pressure.

Michael H. Standart
Hi Mo...and no problem on the information. A little sidenote on the coal, what they dealt with in America was that soft bituminous coal which was infamous for being dusty, thereby complicating clean-up above and beyond the call of complicated. The barges brought them up came from Perth Amboy, then they were brought along side and dumped into chutes on the ship one 250 pound sack at a time.

Wanna sign up for the coaling team?

Michael H. Standart
Hey there Michael.
Thanks for the information. And yes, sign me up, I have contacted my doctor for steroid injections as we speak. Since my bowling game and golf score became reversed in a serious traumatic event, I have goven up all hope of scoring it big in the it won't matter.

What do you mean there were never any games involing bowling and golf....but....

Do you think that Mike Herbold knows that the Titanic was carrying a box of Golf Balls as part of their cargo?

But anyway, I think that I will be ready to lift 250 pound bags by next year sometime just when my voice lowers and the beard starts growing.

Wait a minute...what is the difference between the coaling team and the Mile High Club of the Air borne folks....hmmmmmm?
Dear Mr Herbold,
I beg your pardon, I have no little round dimpled things....and for your information I was already searched thoroughly once in a life far far away and he knows that there are no little round dimpled things amongst any of my stuff! so there...wait who told you about the golf balls... extra extra high compression...I think I need a lawyer. Maureen.
Well since you signed up Mo, I can give you some good news and some bad news.

The good news; if you were dealing with Jenny Craig in order to stay fit and slim, you can now give her the boot and wolf down quarter pounders all day long. You won't gain an ounce.

The bad news; you just gave your chiropractor some gauranteed job security.

Michael H. Standart
Okay Michael,
Wait...first, I don't have a I need one...but he will help lift the bags that is okay ...

And the part about booting Jenny...I mean well we have bonded along with Monica and that other woman...what's her name Sarah...oh sorry that is the other weight loss place...anyway. Mickey D's will be happy to hear that I will be frequenting their establishment now and dropping my granola and yogurt breakfasts.

Donlt quite know how to wolf down quarter pounders so may have to enroll in a class. But I am a willing and eager coal person.

Wait you never ansered that Mile High/Coal person it too late?
Join the Mile High Club while lifting 250 lb bags of coal? What...oh never mind, I don't even want to know where THAT idea came from.

Nice touch getting the chiropractor to sign on. Maybe you can get a discount by working on him/her after he/she streightens out you back.

Michael H. Standart
If the chiropractor looks like Harrison Ford or Richard Gere I will not care if he gives me a discount. I would allow him to straighten me out and I would work on him anytime.