Rev Charles Leonard Kirkland

In "Titanic: The Canadian Story," Alan Hustak references Rev. Charles Leonard Kirkland, who was traveling with Frank Maybery to Canada. Besides what is in that book, and the site here, does anyone have any information about this man, especially any shipboard activity?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Mac Smith
Hi Mac,

Very good question.

His section in "The Irish Aboard Titanic" by Senan Molony provides a little more detail. It is stated that he had been visiting friends in Ireland during a sabbatical from his pastoral work.

"Records of lawsuits against the White Star Line show that the Revd. Kirkland had family members living in Old Town, Maine. He had six childern, named as sons Algie, Henry, Allen, and daughters Alma Jipson, Myrte Treadwell and Maude Elden".

Regarding his onboard actions. Evidently, Kirkland was one of the more elusive 2nd class passengers who kept a very low profile. However, it seems a possibility that he was the "man from Edinburgh" whom Mrs. James Watt referred to as having informed her of the collision with the iceberg.

As the only Scotsmen in 2nd class were Kirkland and Robert Douglas Norman, we can assume that the "Edinburgh" man must be one of them. Both men were, in fact, from Glasgow, but Mrs. Watt may have been mistaken.

I have sent e-mails to two descendants of this man, but both addresses appear to have expired as both were sent back to me! I will keep trying.

Hope this helps,
Hope you don't mind my dropping in here but I believe the man Mrs. Watt spoke with was probably Douglas Norman. Lawrence Beesley mentions seeing him on deck ("the 'Scotchman' who played piano at the evening service) and other sources (don't have those with me just now) state that Marion Wright also met up with Norman.

Just a suggestion - nothing concrete to go on as yet.

Best regards,
Hi Cook,

Drop in at will, sir!:) Actually, I was hoping someone would point me in the right direction re: Mrs. Watt's "Edinburgh man". I had my suspicions that the man in question may have been Norman. Undoubtedly, the young Scotsman took an active part in alerting many women to the danger.

The information that Robert Douglas Norman was from Glasgow may have been interpreted incorrectly. I have his birth certificate and he was definitely born in Edinburgh.
Hi Phil,

Thanks for the info. This would certainly seem to bolster the idea that Mrs. Watt was indeed referring to Norman, rather than Kirkland, in her account.
