Rev John Harper

My grandmother was Mellie Harper,she was my mother's mother.Reverend Harper was our relative(I can't recall what relation,)but will ask mom who lives across the street from me and is 88 years old.
Was watching a video from a pastor. And heard something I havent heard yet. Anyone else here this that At Rev. Harpers Funeral A survivor spoke up saying that in the frigid waters of the atlantic on a piece of wreckage he heard a voice calling out. And the survivor swam towards the voice who turned out to be Rev. John Harper. The Rev. asked if he was saved. And he said no And Rev. Harper asked him to pray the sinners prayer with him before slipping away into the ocean to his death.
I'd the pastor to show a primary source for that one. While something like this would not be completely out of place given the evengelical bent of some Protestant denominations, this particular story sounds apocryphal.
Not entirely sure just saw it on a video so was curious if there was any background on the story. Being a christian i was curious. I dont think i quoted story exact but i came as close as i could the video was going quick
The story is fairly well known to Titanic fans. In my opinion, it's a pious invention. To meet the requirements of the full version, we must find a surviving passenger who was young, Scottish and was hauled from the water into a lifeboat. We know the names of the few people who were pulled from the water. No young Scot! Never mind the improbability of the reported conversation in freezing water.

I'll charitably suggest that a preacher invented the tale in the form of a parable to show that it's never too late to repent. It was repeated later as fact. I wonder when the tale first appeared.
>>I'll charitably suggest that a preacher invented the tale in the form of a parable to show that it's never too late to repent. It was repeated later as fact. I wonder when the tale first appeared.<<

Probably the morning after the Carpathia docked and discharged the survivors.

In terms of pious inventions, the evengelical movement in the United States is absolutely notorious for it. A classic example is one which has Darwin recanting his views on evolution on his deathbed and "Accepting Christ" on his deathbed.

The problem?

It never happened.

Make of this what you will.
Thankyou so much both of you for your responses. Im fairly new to the titanic research though been interested in titanic for a long time. So having you guys here is a big help.
The testimony of the young Scot was said to be given four years after the sinking at a memorial gathering in Canada. I'm wondering when it was first reported.
Not sure thats what the pastor said a memorial but beyond that dont know. I just found it interesting that if true how much faith he had to spread what he believed all the way up to his last breath.
>>I just found it interesting that if true how much faith he had to spread what he believed all the way up to his last breath.<<

Probably not as much as you might think. With this particular generation, a lack of piety wasn't much of an issue, and in the end, prayer was about all any of these people had left.