Rev Ernest Carter

Looking for information on a passenger Rev Carter.
Rumour has it that he spoke to someone in the water that later survived and went on to be a preacher because of it. Any info on this would be appreciated. Where would one go to search for this info.?


Would like to know if anyone knows anything about a passenger Rev Carter? Rumour has it that before he died, in the water, he shared his faith with a fellow passenger who was later pulled form the water, and went on to be a preacher. Rev Carter may have been from Chicago??? Is there any truth to this. Where would go to verify this data??


john, i think you're in the wrong folder; try posting this under "Passenger Research", you may have more luck there...the Biography section states Rev. Carter was from England.
Hi John,

I have heard the story about a man in the water, meeting up with a minister who then saved him and perished himself. However, I have always heard this was fellow Second Class Passenger Reverend John Harper. Unfortunately, just now I can't cite any sources on this - I know a book came out detailing, among the other aspects of Harper's life, this very event.

Hope this is of some help.

Best regards,
Hi John,

Pat is quite correct to say that John Harper was the man purported to have "converted" a survivor either as the ship was sinking. Mystery still surrounds the identity of "Harper's Last Convert" but the following four-point criteria should narrow things down:

1. Must have been plucked from the sea (as opposed to leaving the ship in a lifeboat)

2. Must be a male native of Scotland

3. Not a christian prior to sailing

4. Attended the survivors meeting in 1916 in Hamilton, Ontario.

Aqilla Webb wrote an excellent article on this very topic entitled "The Story of Harper's Last Convert". It appeared in Paul Lee Tann's book "Encyclopedia of 7700 Illustrations".

Re. Carter. He was born in Compton, Berkshire in 1858. At the time of the disaster, he was vicar of St. Jude's, Whitechapel, London. I am not aware of any Chicago connection.

Hope this helps.

Ben're 4th criteria peaked my interest..if i can side step for a bit if i may, being local to the area, do you have further details on the 1916 survivor meeting in Hamilton ? ... i also noticed survivors such as 3rd class Krekorian and others were all going to 108 Princess St. in Hamilton..i have access to 1911 maps of the area, and i found that Princess St. only went to 106..there was a boarding house across the street, and a mill..just wondering what the significance of 108 Princess was...were these passengers going to the boarding house most likely ?? .. thank you.
Thank you so much for this information. I was able to read the report adn yes I was mistaken it was Harper. Question, I'm in Toronto, and visit Hamilton often. Why Hamilton for a survivor gathering?? Why not New York or anyway else???
Just curious!!

Thanks again

Richard and John,

I'm afraid I'm not too familiar with the details at the Hamilton reunion. I know it was held at the local YMCA, and was attended by several survivors in the locality including, of course, the mystery passenger who recalled the Harper incident to others present at the gathering. Edward Beane, John Kennedy, and William John Mellors have all been suggested as possible candidates for the "Hamilton man".

Best Regards,