Richard and Sallie Beckwith

My two sense worth, as I too am one of the few :)
who own "Return to the Titanic" live from Paris France, 1987.

The aforementioned satchel were the entrusted responsibility of the 2nd class purser...Reginald L. Barker (RLB) who BTW, in the frantic moment may have slipped his monogramed fountain pen amongst the satchels contents for safe keeping.

I feel that the sentimental jewels previously entrusted to Mr. Barker alone...attest to the satchels orgin...2nd class!

( An aside..."Return to the Titanic" was the one and only time that, we, and myself particularly overwhelmed... were treated to the *unveiling* of the portside bow 18" letters...

Michael Cundiff

Tickled, as always, to hear from you, Randy! You're right, it IS a good story!

I agree, Kritina, there DOES seem to be emphasis to attributing items to the passengers instead of the crew.

Michael, I wonder if Barker may have had a check list with all the valuables? That might explain his pen in the satchel.

Not surprised, Bill, that you were faster than the computers!

Just for the tally books, where IS the satchel now? R M S Titanic, Inc has it, I suppose, in a touring exhibit? Or do I have the wrong name?

Best regards,

ps. And thanks, Charles!
I am new to the board and would like to express my appriciation for such a quality webite. I have some information, however, that may be helpful in this debate. I read in a book that it was not a fountain pen, but a gold telescopic pencil (mechanical)that was inscribed "RLB XMAS 1908". Is this the pen you guys are talking about? Or is it a completely different iten belonging to this mystery person? Also, I'm leaning toward the 2nd Class Purser idea. It is much more likely to be him, and I agree that the contents of the satchel are more mundane than the pickings of a 1st Class stateroom. If this thief was looting Lady Duff Gordon's room, I'm guessing that the contents of that satchel would be somewhat more glitery. Also, after browsing through the passenger list, I found a certain Amy F. Jacobsohn travelling Second Class with her husband Sydney. Perhaps she was the wearer of the mysterious "Amy" bracelet. I just thought that this might be helpful in the search for the satchel owner, or lack thereof.
Hey everyone,

I'm certain most of you have the excellent "Titanic: An Illustrated History" book. On page 106 there is a terrific photo of Richard and Sallie Beckwith, apparently on deck. Would anyone care to upload this, hopefully to be included on both of their bios on this site?

I was hoping to find some information about Richard and Sallie Beckwith. I am a descendant and I would love to find out as much as I can. Kim Beckwith