Richard Otter

I'm trying to find information about a second-class passenger called Richard Otter, who went down with the Titanic, who was born on Portland, Dorset, in 1873 but emigrated to America in 1889. His occupation in the the 1881
census was a quarryman. He had a brother and a sister, William and Elizabeth. In 1912 he went back to America as he heard a new job opening
was over there, but his brother and sister stayed on Portland, do you know anything about what happened to them? Did they stay on Portland? And did they have any children?
Thanks a lot, Jessica (no this is not my new name thank you very much
Posted for a new member who could not wait to post her question
All the best
Ian, Richard Otter's wife Kate lived to be in her 90's and there are living descendants here in the United States--don't know about family of the siblings however.

Hi Phil, thanx a lot for your post (houghie posted that for me, thanx houghie!) I might start researching about Kate and his son after I've figured out about his family over here in uk, so thank you, you've inspired me!
Also, I forgot to post this bit: does anyone know how I could get hold of a (probably) old book called 'A Southwell Maid's Diary' written by his sister, Elizabeth and also, nothing to do with Richard otter, but 'The War On Hospital Ships' - don't know who that's by, but I saw an unexpected film about the Britannic on telly the other day!
Thanks again! Jess
Hey Jessica,

For some time Richard lived here in Ohio. Some of his relatives still live here in Ohio. I met, I believe it was his grandson. Who gave a speech about Richard that I attended, it was very interesting. I can see if my friend can put you in contact with him. He was really nice.

Hi Trent and Bob, thank you very much. Bob, I read through most of the e-mail you sent me, thanks a lot, it was really interesting. And Trent, what did he say in his speech? Thanks to you both! Jessica
I didn't send an email, Jessica, but if you mean the link to Mark Godden's 'Southwell Maid' transcription you're very welcome (and all credit to Mark!)
Hi everyone, I'm pretty new to this, but I'm interested in 'The Southwell Maid's Diary' and I've read it, but I'd like to know if any of you have any more information about Richard Otter or his family? In The Southwell Maid's Diary (S.W.M.D.) it has no mention of Richard, why is that? And is there anything else known about the Royal Adelaide and The S.S.Bournemouth? I have asked lots of the locals but they don't know that much about them. (bit before their time, I know!) How's your research going Jessica? Found any more out? Loz
Hi, Laura. Good coverage of the Royal Adelaide wreck here:

Just found out that there's coverage of the Bournemouth aswell, along with loads of other shipwrecks, (I hadn't noticed the arrows at the bottom of the screen!) some stories which I think are quite sad really! So thanks again Bob. Loz
This the uncle of my grandad Richard Otter born in the December 1912 who was named after him when his uncle was lost on the Titanic in the April 1912